
Undiagnosable or Sustained Ignorance?


Over the last several years, I have born witness to immense human suffering; young women wracked by pain, with organs diseased, struggling to survive; some have seizures and brain infections are common; many have nerve damage, some develop cancer, and others die; sometimes by their own hands, so desperate for relief that suicide seems like a legitimate option, and other times by the cumulative effects of bad medicine.

These women are poked and prodded by physicians, hospitalized for extended periods, surgery after surgery, failed treatment after failed treatment, with no hope in sight. Their pain grows. Their symptoms worsen. Their suffering continues. In many cases, they are dropped by their physicians because their conditions are too complex to understand and too difficult to manage. They are undiagnosable, often untreatable, and their struggles are mostly invisible to the public.

They are your sisters, your mothers, your wives, your daughters, your girlfriends and colleagues. They are the 50% of the population that medical science ignores and the pharmaceutical industry preys upon. They are women. This is their story. And as a woman, a mom, a scientist and an advocate for women’s health– this is my story too. As a human being, how can it not be your story too?

Let me point you to the personal stories of the women I work with. Many were healthy once, prior to a medication or vaccine adverse reaction or ill-conceived surgery or surgical device. Some were not so healthy, suffering from one of the many undiagnosable women’s health conditions. But all of the women I work with have one thing in common – they fell victim to the promise of medical science. They believed that their doctors understood the effects of the drugs they were prescribed. They believed in the surgical treatment their doctor suggested. They believed that their doctors could find the source of their pain and treat it. They were wrong.

Meet Alisa, Alexis, Nicole, Britt, Nina, Ashley, Tracie, Susan, Danielle, Michelle, Kerri, Rosemary, Jordan, Philippa, Lisa, Angela, Kelsey, Rachel, Roxie, Rosalie, Heather, Jill, Louise, Sydney, Suki, Destini, Lisa, Emily, Debra, Patti, BJS, Joan, HollyMAK, DES Daughter, Lisbeth, Robin, WS, Sarah, Zoe, Gabriella, Erika, Janet, Yuka, Sharne, SWC, Stacey, Bette, Amber, Momoka, Yumi, Dorothy, Samantha, Kristin, Katelyn, Jean, Sarah M., ErikaCharlotte, Kerry, Sharon, Taylor, Brandi, Alisen, Jess, J.H., Alex, Sandra, Theresa, Ann, Connie, Jessica, Kristyn, Bernadette, MJ, Marit, Alyson, Detrease, Claudia, Kristen G., Annie, Rebecca, Grace, JuliaBrooke, Anna-Karin, BrittanyKristen S., CS, Asha, Anne, Leslie, Sharida, Lisa P., Daniel’s wife, AnnieJMR, June, Lisa MH, Casey, Margaret, Nicole, Stacey R., Stephanie, Karen, and all the men and women who shared their stories anonymously and the millions of others suffering in silence.

I have come to realize that their suffering is not uncommon. It is not a fluke. They are not the outliers of modern medicine; rather, they are the norm. Perhaps, the details of a particular story change somewhat, but every woman (and more and more men) has a health story; one that is marked by unending medical confusion and half-witted diagnoses based, not on a deep understanding, but on wild-assed guesses levied by pharmaceutical marketing. Indeed, if the illness does not have a medication then, in the eyes of all but the most progressive physicians, it does not exist. That may explain why the prevalence of medically unexplained symptoms ranges from 25-75% in outpatient settings, with pain being the most common.

Worse yet, when a medication elicits an adverse reaction, especially one that is chronic and complex, the patient is left to fend for themselves. It takes decades for recognition that a medication or vaccine might evoke complex reactions beyond those associated with anaphylaxis. The statistics for women’s healthcare back this up.

Did you know that it takes 5-10 years to diagnose common women’s health conditions and that once diagnosed there are often no medications or effective treatment options? You’d think that that since the development of modern medicine, someone, somewhere, would figure out how to diagnose and effectively treat some of these conditions? You’d be wrong.

Did you know that only 30% of Ob/Gyn Clinical Practice Guidelines are based on actual data – 70% are based on consensus? Sit with that one for a minute. You’d have a better chance of getting an accurate diagnosis with a dartboard.

Did you know that before the mid-1990s, women were prohibited from being in clinical trials – meaning that no medications developed before then were ever tested on women? Hundreds of medications currently on the market were developed before women were permitted into clinical trials.

Did you know that even today women represent only about 30% of early clinical trial participants? It is in the early trials that safety and efficacy data are established. Not even female rodents were used in testing drugs that would be used in the female population until 2014.

Did you know that even when women are included in clinical trials, there is no mandate to analyze the safety or efficacy data by sex – to see if a particular medication causes more adverse reactions in women, or even works in women? It took 20 years to realize Ambien dosing for women was different than for men. And by different, I mean, it should have been half. For the twenty years this drug was on the market women were over-dosing because no one bothered to consider sex as a variable in pharmacokinetic research.

Did you know that women account for disproportionately more serious and more frequent adverse reactions and that most of the major drug recalls in recent history were due to the adverse events experienced by women?

Nope, you probably didn’t know that because it’s not common knowledge. Unless, you are one of the millions of individuals suffering from an undiagnosable, untreatable, unknowable disease or adverse reaction, then it is all too real.

And though I focus of women’s health, men are not completely risk free. The British Medical Journal reports that when 3000 commonly used medications were reviewed, less than 50% had the appropriate data to suggest any efficacy whatsoever. Worse yet, because of publication bias, fraud, and the closed clinical trials system allows pharmaceutical companies hide their negative results behind the walls of intellectual property, when already approved medications are re-evaluated using the previously closed trial data, the recommendations for use changed for 93% of the medications – 93%. For cancer drugs, efficacy could be confirmed in only 11% of the studies reanalyzed. That’s just wrong. We can do better. We must do better.

As I rattle off these stats, you might be thinking to yourself, ‘but Chandler, those adverse reactions, those drug side effects are rare, they wouldn’t, they couldn’t, happen to me or my family, we’re healthy.’  Think again.

According to the Mayo Clinic, 70% of all Americans take at least one pharmaceutical chronically, 50% take two, and 20% take five or more medications, even during pregnancy where 80% of women take at least one medications and 30% take four or more, an increase of more than 60% over the last 15 years. And don’t get me started about administering vaccines to pregnant women under the auspices of protecting the fetus. There are no data suggesting that a vaccine during pregnancy is anything more than a toxic cocktail that both mom and fetus have to survive, and many do not. None of these medications or vaccinations have ever been tested for safety or efficacy during pregnancy, read the package inserts. Similarly, infants, children and adolescents represent key demographics for pharmaceutical marketing and once again, only 10-20% of pediatric medications were tested on children. We have no idea what illnesses we are initiating by our overuse of medications and vaccines. None. And therein lies the problem.

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This article was published originally on October 31, 2017, and as one might expect, the list of women who have suffered at the hands of sustained ignorance has grown considerably. 

Image credit: Imgflip.

Chandler Marrs MS, MA, PhD spent the last dozen years in women’s health research with a focus on steroid neuroendocrinology and mental health. She has published and presented several articles on her findings. As a graduate student, she founded and directed the UNLV Maternal Health Lab, mentoring dozens of students while directing clinical and Internet-based research. Post graduate, she continued at UNLV as an adjunct faculty member, teaching advanced undergraduate psychopharmacology and health psychology (stress endocrinology). Dr. Marrs received her BA in philosophy from the University of Redlands; MS in Clinical Psychology from California Lutheran University; and, MA and PhD in Experimental Psychology/ Neuroendocrinology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


  1. As is the case many times, women are prying open the nesting dolls and peeling back the proverbial onion. Hold onto your seats:

    “Court-Ordered Pfizer Documents They Tried To Have Sealed For 55 years Show 1223 Deaths, 158,000 Adverse Events in 90 Days Post EUA Release”

    The Most Shocking Document Release Of The Last 100 years By Celia Farber

    Dear readers of my Substack, I want to tell you urgently that I am sitting here, as shocked as I can remember being, since I began reporting on pharmaceutical and government/ pharmaceutical predation in 1987/1988, at a rock magazine called SPIN.

    I’ve spent most of my life shocked, often disoriented, wondering if I can believe my own eyes, and trying to square the countless attacks on my own sanity with what appears to be the impossibly dark truth. For years I processed the relentless violence as some kind of possibility that I had missed something. I don’t anymore. Everybody who has failed to oppose this is complicit in mass murder. There are not “two sides.” Pfizer itself can explain exactly why all the people dropping dead have died, but they felt it should be hidden for 55 years, so they could continue to murder and maim without interference. The mass media is the engine of the catastrophe, the sine qua non.

    Most smoking guns are not really smoking guns, but this one is.

    A group called “Public Health and Medical Professional For Transparency Documents” sued the FDA for the release of Pfizer’s documents concerning adverse events from their Covid “vaccine”, which Pfizer fought to have concealed 55 years, but a courageous judge ordered them released anyway.

    They wrote on their website:

    ”Four days after the Pfizer vaccine was approved for ages 16+, we submitted a Freedom of Information Act Request to the FDA for all of the data within Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccine biological product file. We have now sued the FDA for not releasing the data. Click below for court documents and for productions of Pfizer’s documents from the FDA.”

    Link: https://phmpt.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/5.3.6-postmarketing-experience.pdf

    My God.

    In the 90 days following EUA release of the “vaccine” they recorded 1223 deaths, and 158,000 adverse reactions, including fetal deaths, spontaneous abortions and more. They call this, in their encrypted, trans-human Pharma-lingo, the “post marketing experience.” [See link above]



    Another concerned and smart female — “A concerned Physician Assistant, Deborah Conrad, convinced her hospital to carefully track the Covid-19 vaccination status of every patient admitted to her hospital. The result is shocking.

    As Ms. Conrad has detailed, her hospital serves a community in which less than 50% of the individuals were vaccinated for Covid-19 but yet, during the same time period, approximately 90% of the individuals admitted to her hospital were documented to have received this vaccine.

    These patients were admitted for a variety of reasons, including but not limited to COVID-19 infections. Even more troubling is that there were many individuals who were young, many who presented with unusual or unexpected health events, and many who were admitted months after vaccination.

    One would think that after an association was identified by a healthcare professional, our health authorities would at least review this finding, right? Sadly, when Ms. Conrad reached out to health authorities herself, she was ignored.”


  2. And, now, 4 years later?


    “A Swedish lab study (titled “SARS–CoV–2 Spike Impairs DNA Damage Repair and Inhibits V(D)J Recombination In Vitro“, NIH) released in mid-October found that the spike protein… enters the nucleus of cells and significantly interferes with DNA damage-repair functions compromising a person’s adaptive immunity and perhaps encouraging the formation of cancer cells….

    “Mechanistically, we found that the spike protein localizes in the nucleus and inhibits DNA damage repair,” they wrote. “Our findings reveal a potential molecular mechanism by which the spike protein might impede adaptive immunity and underscore the potential side effects of full-length spike-based vaccines.” (“Spike protein in COVID virus and shots weakens immune system, may be linked with cancer: Swedish study“, Lifesite News)


    “Researchers in The Netherlands and Germany have warned that Pfizer-BioNTech’s … (COVID-19) vaccine induces complex reprogramming of innate immune responses that should be considered in the development and use of mRNA-based vaccines…. Following vaccination, innate immune cells had a reduced response to toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4), TLR7 and TLR8 – all ligands that play an important role in the immune response to viral infection….

    “Multiple studies have shown that long-term innate immune responses can be either increased (trained immunity) or down-regulated (innate immune tolerance) after certain vaccines or infections.”…

    These results collectively demonstrate that the effects of the BNT162b2 vaccine go beyond the adaptive immune system.. The BNT162b2 vaccine induces reprogramming of innate immune responses as well, and this needs to be taken into account.”…(“Research suggests Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine reprograms innate immune responses”, New-Medical net)


    “When we give these shots, we can see the types of white blood cells in the body… and you have a broad array of immune cells that work together to fight off viruses and keep cancers in check. We’re already seeing the signals in the laboratory of decreases in critically important T-cells you need… in your innate immune system. These are the Marines in your body; fighting off viruses fighting cancer…. But what we’re seeing in the laboratory after people get these shots, we’re seeing a very concerning locked-in, low profile of these important killer T-cells that you want in your body. (CD8 cells) And what they do, is keep all other viruses in check.

    What am I seeing in the laboratory? I’m seeing an uptick of Herpes family viruses, I’m seeing Shingles, I’m seeing Mono, I’m seeing a huge uptick in human papilloma virus… We are literally weakening the immune systems of these individuals.

    Most concerning of all, is there’s a pattern of these types of immune cells in the body that keep cancer in check. Since, January 1, (in the laboratory) I’ve seen a 20X increase of endometrial cancer over what I see on an annual basis.” (“Pathologist Ryan N Cole of the Mayo Clinic on What We Are Seeing In Lab Results”, Rumble; 2 minutes)


    Here’s more from Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose:

    “There are studies coming out now, and there are ample signs in the adverse events data, that these products (Covid vaccines) are not only immuno-modulating the immune system and causing hyper inflammation; there are signs now that they are very negatively effecting CD8 T-cell populations. For those who don’t know, this is extremely bad news. It’s only on a few people so far, but the data does not look good so far. These T-cells are the so-called “killer cells”. Their job…is to kill virally infected cells that are showing foreign markers on their surface. So, if these populations are depleted, then that is very bad news, because we don’t have a population of cells in the acquired immune system to remove virally-infected cells.…

    There are clear signs that are starting to emerge, that there is an “immunity deficiency syndrome” coming about as a result of these products (vaccines) As a result of hyper-stimulation…T-cells being (diminished), and the ever-presence of repeated injections of a cytotoxic protein… I would never, ever recommend that someone who is immuno-compromised to ever go near these things, because I can almost guarantee you, that your condition is going to get worse. Another thing we’re seeing in VAERS is cancers coming out of remission and alot of doctors are reporting this on the ground. And–by the way– this has never happened before, not on this scale; not even close… So, there’s something going on here that warrants further investigation, and it doesn’t look good.“ (“Viral Immunologist Dr. Jessica Rose explains the concerning information emerging about the compromised immunity of the vaccinated“, Odysee)


    And, yet. YET, these studies and inquiries and logical discourses are censored, vilified. Is that amazing? Not in my decades living throughout the USA and other countries, studying propaganda, communications, journalism, ecology, mental and physical health of people.

    This may be far afield from the point of your article about women’s health being splayed on the patriarchal chopping block (chopping blocks of medicine, psychiatry, finance, culture, more) but really look at RFK, Jr.’s own work on trying to uncover the insult to humanity that these bio-terror/bio-weapon/bio-hacking monsters have done:

    Robert Francis Kennedy, Jr.’s Heroic Resistance to the CIA’s Continuing Covid Coup D’état


    By Edward Curtain:

    While Dr. Anthony Fauci understandably stands at the center of this new book, and deservedly so for his evil machinations over so many decades, it is important to recognize that he is an obedient, albeit very powerful, underling in a systemic structure of evil, who has greatly materially profited from the sale of his soul. Yet while this is true, to read Kennedy’s chapters on Fauci’s commanding role in the HIV/Aids fraud, the AZT shakedown, illegal experiments on children that killed at least 85, etc., is enough to make your blood boil and to realize that such actions must spring from a source far deeper than the thirst for lucre. Something fiendish and sinister is at work with all this with the suffering and death it has caused, and in the ways it has foreshadowed the COVID-19 propaganda and the complicity of the mass media in fronting for Fauci and his allies, then and now.

    Kennedy exhaustively details Fauci’s work as a drug dealer for Big Pharma, even while his job at NIAID is to protect and improve the people’s health, which has deteriorated dramatically over his tenure. (It is important to mention parenthetically but not at all incidentally that the CIA “manages” the so-called war on drugs in a similar manner.) Thus we have a war of drugs and a “war on drugs” working in tandem in a perfect scheme to drug as many people as possible. Here are a few details:

    +Fauci has an annual $6 billion budget, most of which goes toward the research and development of new drugs.

    +He is the highest paid federal employee, more than the President, with an annual salary of $417, 608.

    +He controls 57 percent of global biomedical medical funding directly and indirectly via the NIH, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and the Wellcome Trust, and therefore controls the scientists looking for research money.

    +He has for decades overseen the regulatory capture of government health agencies by Big Pharma.

    +The CDC, a paramilitary organization, spends $4.9 billion of its $12 billion budget buying and distributing vaccines, the vaccines that Fauci has been pushing. It also owns 57 vaccine patents.

    +Fauci and other officials receive yearly emoluments of up to $150,000 in royalty payments on products that they help to develop and push through the approval process.

    +He has for many years promoted false pandemics to promote novel vaccines, drugs, and pharmaceutical company profits.

    +Forty-five percent of the FDA’s budget comes from the pharmaceutical industry through what are euphemistically called “user fees.”

    +Fauci has a “strange fascination with,” and has invested in “gain of function” experiments to engineer superbugs, which is part of a long CIA history of weaponizing viruses, etc.

    RFK, Jr.’s detailed exposure of Fauci’s role reminds me of reading Moby Dick and meditating on Melville’s description of Ahab – one has to enter a different mental space to begin to comprehend such evil, and even then one is struck dumb by its extent and the media’s complicity in covering it up for so long.

  3. Absolutely great and tied to real systems thinking, Chandler, this piece, so thanks for putting this global problem of science gone amok tied to the profit-super profit-obscene profit mentality front and center of Hormones Matter’s mission: investigate these unproven meds, unprovable benefits . . . the synergistic variants of all the chemicals and toxins we have in the human body tied to new chemicals and drugs can never be tied beyond a Capitalist Scientific doubt to one suspected carcinogen or life threatening compound. .

    I’ve had my own hand slapping for speaking out (barely) against all the PR/propaganda around Merck’s Gardasil.


    As a journalist, I had the honor of hosting Sonia Shah on my radio show in Spokane 11 years ago. Her book, Body Hunters, tells the story of how science has been using profit-driven economics to exploit and kill people worldwide:

    Body Hunters: Testing New Drugs on the World’s Poorest Patients

    Foreword by John Le Carre; Winner, Prix Prescrire award, 2008; Library Journal‘s Best Consumer Health Books, 2006; Available in French, Spanish, Italian, German, Portuguese, Japanese, and Korean


    Imagine the uproar if dozens of drug-trial patients in America were to perish from deadly side effects known to the FDA. Consider the commotion if AIDS babies in Europe were to die while being administered placebos rather than potentially life-saving drugs. These scandals did happen—just elsewhere. In The Body Hunters, investigative journalist Sonia Shah describes drug trials in places like India and Zambia that would have occasioned outrage if conducted in the developed world.

    The Body Hunters describes how the multinational pharmaceutical industry, in its quest to develop lucrative new drugs, has begun quietly exporting its clinical research business to the developing world, where ethical oversight is minimal, and desperate patients abundant. Faced with crumbling facilities, minuscule budgets and towering health crises, developing countries often encourage these very trials, even as they cause scarce resources to be diverted from providing care toward the business of servicing drug companies. END QUOTE

    Finally, here is a documentary from Colombian journalist, Mario Lamo,


    Gardasil is shattering and ending young lives around the world. These interviews show the testimonies of victims of the HPV vaccine and the damage caused by it, accompanied by a song especially composed for this documentary.

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