Do Nitrates Have Anything to do with Migraines?A recent article published found that higher levels of nitrates correlate with migraine. This research intrigued me.
MoreWhole milk is a perfect electrolyte that can help treat and prevent migraines
MoreHydration, Thirst, and Drinking Water
Most of us equate the expression “hydrate extra” with drinking more water but – unfortunately – this is incorrect. In any online
MoreAre Vegan Diets Heart Healthy: A Case Study
What is the Best Diet?I have been working with tens of thousands of migraine sufferers from all over the world for nearly
MoreStress, Hormones, and Migraine
Here you can read a small and slightly modified section from my upcoming book “Fighting the Migraine Epidemic: A Complete Guide. How
MoreI have been reading some of the fascinating posts by Angela Stanton PhD concerning her research in migraine headaches. I regard the
MoreOver recent years, a number of new diets have become popular among health conscious individuals. The most popular include: the low carb
MoreNo sooner had we landed than my phone began to convulse with a cacophony of bells and chimes. Most of the notifications