...this could be what happened to him. She said, “Hm, interesting,” and ordered a lab test to determine his thiamine levels. I
More...and animals that have to physically consume thiamine, plants, bacteria, and other microorganisms, synthesize thiamine endogenously from various substrates. Like humans, however,
More...lead to paradox. Also, Thiamine HCl is not liposoluble. You may want to look into allithiamine as well. Read this article as
More...due to my megadosing of thiamine. So, I have a couple of questions. Asking Advice: Does anyone have any research, personal, or
MoreNotes On Thiamine Status During Pregnancy
...deficiency in thiamine that causes some of the more severe complications of thiamine deficiency during pregnancy. I have written previously about the
MoreThiamine Deficiency: A Slow Road to Dementia
...hands and feet disappeared. I practically skipped off the ward to buy oral thiamine and dose up. Sadly, thiamine tablets didn’t work
More...in the body from straight chain fatty acids, through the mechanisms of alpha-oxidation. The Thiamine Connection It has long been rumored that
MoreEDTA Induced Kidney Failure Resolved With Thiamine
...my thiamine was tanking again due to this virus, stress, illness, and the meds they had prescribed (Lasix, is especially problematic for