...back into her genetics myself and looked at the thiamine related genes. She had homozygous defects in a key thiamine transporter (SLC19A2)
More...is easily recognized in a clinical laboratory by measuring TKA and TPPE (14). Thiamine and the Brain Thiamine triphosphate (TTP) (this is
More...reveals what Dr. Lonsdale refers to as ‘the exquisite simplicity‘ of health and disease. This book will teach you that chemistry and
More...thiamine deficiency. We dive right into why so many of us are deficient in thiamine and why so few of us, physicians
MorePoor Diet, COVID, and Thiamine Deficiency: A Perfect Storm
...I was ill. They said it was all in my head and led me to believe that I was actually going mad.
MoreThiamine Deficiency, Fatigue, and Erectile Dysfunction
...caused by thiamine deficiency. I talk about this in the thiamine supplementation section below. Neurological Issues During this time period when I
More...went worse. Then miraculously I was able to get thiamine IV in hospital. 3 days. 400mg 3 x a day. Since then
More...lower part of the brain that organizes automatic body functions, including breathing, is peculiarly sensitive to thiamine deficiency. If the infant is