...to function. The foods we consume contain that energy, or at least they should. Every food is comprised of a combination of
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...and minerals or micronutrients needed to fuel mitochondrial processes. Thiamine, in fact, is key among them both for the organisms that utilize
More...contribute to this effect. When taking TTFD, it has downstream effects on other nutrients. Hence, these supporting nutrients should also be taken
More...must be a ratio of the calorie bearing component to that of the non-caloric nutrients. When we load the calories together with
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...If you can feed her mitochondria what they need to repair things, they will. We have a lot of articles on mitochondria
More...required for pyruvate dehydrogenase (PDH), the gatekeeper enzyme within the mitochondria, responsible for taking pyruvate (derived from glucose) and converting it into
More...that we can do is either replace the faulty gene (the current attempted approach) or provide the ideal fuel (nutrients) which enables
More...everyone knows, vitamins and minerals, known as non-caloric nutrients, are vital to the release of energy from the caloric elements. To understand