...evolutionary and developmental linkage between primordial bacteria and mitochondria (56,57). Damaged mitochondria, in turn, imperil human health and no doubt, contribute to
More...latent nutritional and/or mitochondrial issues. The meds/vaccines do damage by multiple mechanisms, some directly deplete thiamine and other vitamins/minerals, others damage the
MoreThe Great Lyme Explosion
...the cells, take the oxygen from the air we breathe and along with some nutrients convert this into usable energy. When damaged
MoreThe Oceans Are Hypoxic and So Are We
...and more abundant crops, those crops contain more sugar than actual nutrients and those nutrients are needed for oxygenation. In much the
MoreEMF Hypersensitivity and Thiamine
...primary mechanisms behind EMF-induced damage is linked to mitochondrial dysfunction. Mitochondria appear to be quite susceptible to injury from EMFs. Long-term, low
More...post discusses some of the important published information that indicates very strongly where the research should be. Mitochondria Hopefully, the reader of
MoreGlyphosate Induced Obesity?
...every cell in the body requires energy to exist and function. That energy comes in the form of mitochondrial adenosine triphosphate or
More...as thyroid and mitochondrial function are reciprocally connected, where there is damage in one, there is damage in the other, and inasmuch