...I've learned from him is that my previous exposure to Cipro is what caused the Macrobid reaction. So once your body is
More...(besides our doctor’s total ignorance of side effects from fluoroquinolones) is that nowhere in this process has my husband been treated as
MorePost Fluoroquinolone Sex and Libido
...“floxie” friends have been through more sexual adverse effects of fluoroquinolones than I have. Here are a few snippets of their stories:
More...also states that (like with fluoroquinolones) the manifestation of these syndromes can be delayed for weeks or even years after exposure to
MoreAdverse Drug Reactions Are Like Earthquakes
...lead to pain and disability after taking Avelox/moxifloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic, you can’t sue the manufacturer (Bayer) because the warning label states
More...restrict the use of dangerous mitochondria damaging drugs like fluoroquinolones, they just increased the length of the label, and people keep getting
More...Fluoroquinolone Risk You’ve Never Heard About – Debra Anderson 2,403 74. Fluoroquinolones 101 – Antibiotics to Avoid – Lisa Bloomquist 2,383 75.
More...infections, like glabrata infections, now common with the increased use of bactericidal antibiotics like fluoroquinolones. Viral infections too can become more problematic.