...my many years of research. Migraine is the manifestation of an energy (voltage) shortage in the brain, caused by insufficient electrolyte quality.
More...and chronic immune reactions – those that involve what are considered lipidic compounds and require fat metabolism for energy production, making ZAG
MoreDysautonomia and Hypoxia
...are either fighting or fleeing from an enemy. It is designed for short-term action and consumes energy at an accelerated rate, particularly
MoreSexual Function After Hysterectomy
...nerves and blood vessels that supply sexual energy or indirectly via the loss of critical hormones when or if the ovaries are
More...food into the garbage. We began drinking water instead of soda or other flavored drinks and I began to research sleep, nutrition,
More...the body is unable to release these stored glucose reserves to meet its energy needs, it must find an alternate fuel source
MoreThe Warburg Effect in Cancer
...predominantly produce energy by a high rate of glycolysis (sugar metabolism) rather than the low rate in most normal cells. The energy
MoreThe Insulin Resistance Time Bomb
...is energy preservation! So eating carbs is energy preservation exactly as much as eating fat or protein. Everything in excess will be