drug warning labels

Medication Safety and Efficacy Studies: Share Your Experience


Is this Medication or Vaccine Good for Me?

That is the question on everyone’s mind; is this medication good for me? How does one decide? The mandated medication package inserts tell one story. The online drug reaction and interaction lists are long and complicated. Adverse events data are incomplete and patient stories reflect individual reactions. Where are the reports that put numbers to the side-effects and adverse reactions? Where are the real world data that show risks for patients of different age groups, men versus women, or on multiple medications? Lucine Health Sciences and Hormones Matter are collecting those data and you can help.

Understanding Side Effects

While we cannot make your medication decisions for you, we can collect more complete side-effect data from patients like you, from around the world and we can offer those data reports to patients, physicians and industry. We think everyone deserves to know the frequency, severity, and chronicity of side-effects. We think everyone deserves to know whether a the benefits of a medication or vaccine outweigh the risks. Don’t you?

How You Can Help

Take a Health Survey

Take a few minutes to complete a survey about the medications and surgical procedures you have utilized. Take as many health surveys as are applicable and share the surveys with your friends. All surveys are anonymous and completely voluntary. We’re adding more surveys every month, so check back frequently or sign up for our weekly newsletter to keep abreast of the latest research news.

Take one of our health surveys:

Fund the Fight – Support Research

Lucine Health Sciences and Hormones Matter, are unfunded and are run by Dr. Chandler Marrs along with a cadre of dedicated volunteers. We know the work we do is important and needed and so we’re doing it anyway, despite the lack of funding. We’re bootstrapped to the nth degree*, but determined to fill the critical data void in healthcare, one study at a time.

We’ve set up an unsubscription model to fund our education and research programs. We call it an unsubscription because it is not really a subscription in the true sense. It’s just a mechanism to fund the work that maintains our commitment to open access health information on Hormones Matter.  By purchasing an unsubscription you are supporting our continued operations and research; research and health information we all need but can’t get anywhere else.

Buy An Unsubscription Now

$12.00 per year – $1.00 per month


$60.00 per year – $5.00 per month


$120.00 per year – $10.00 per month


$240 per year – $20.00 per month


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Hormones Matter – Legal Structure

Hormones Matter is the health media arm of Lucine Health Sciences. We leverage the broad educational and social media reach of Hormones Matter to crowdsource critical, direct-to-patient research. Lucine is a C-corporation by federal standards, a B-Corp (for benefit corporation) in the state of Nevada. What this means is that any money you contribute, either through the donate or the subscribe buttons, is not tax deductible; for that we would have to be a not-for-profit enterprise.

For more information about our research philosophy, data ethics commitment or business model, follow the links or just click on our home page: Lucine Health Sciences and snoop around.

If you’d like to support or commission a study on a specific medication or surgical procedure, we can do that too. Simply contact us here.

Lucine neither collects nor distributes personally identifying patient information, see our Ethics and Privacy for more details. We will, however, publish trended reports for open access and custom reports for industry. For more information, see Research Services.

  • In February of 2016, Lucine received a grant to conduct a multi-phased study on the risks for blood clots with hormonal birth control. All other research remains unfunded.

Chandler Marrs MS, MA, PhD spent the last dozen years in women’s health research with a focus on steroid neuroendocrinology and mental health. She has published and presented several articles on her findings. As a graduate student, she founded and directed the UNLV Maternal Health Lab, mentoring dozens of students while directing clinical and Internet-based research. Post graduate, she continued at UNLV as an adjunct faculty member, teaching advanced undergraduate psychopharmacology and health psychology (stress endocrinology). Dr. Marrs received her BA in philosophy from the University of Redlands; MS in Clinical Psychology from California Lutheran University; and, MA and PhD in Experimental Psychology/ Neuroendocrinology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

1 Comment

  1. I was 27 when my doctor basically talk me into using the Lupron shot due to my extreme pain with my endometriosis and losing mobility them and legs and laying back in just really hurt so my Denville up scopic surgery several times and it was 27 so it was too young and I still wanted to try and have a baby and I was told if you approve this medicine and that it would totally give me a baby that feel no pain and the amazing Nite might have some slight menopausal issues for the rest of my life but what does a few hot flashes LOL until I got them the first shot was horrible I thought I was going to die can see you can hear things were great ouch him since then it’s just been downhill and 35 now and just feels like something is eating my bones and it’s everywhere now and my eyesight horrible my gels deteriorating migraines and crazy I cry don’t use it

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