Physical pain and depression go hand in hand. I’m not looking at any studies when I write this; I’m speaking from experience.I
MoreMy Journey from DES Advocate to Author
My name is Judith Barrow and I am an author. I have been connected with DES Action UK and USA since I
MorePostpartum, Parenting and Endometriosis
I was not diagnosed with Endometriosis until four years after the birth of my daughter. The pain of endo plus postpartum depression
MoreTake these pills!
Good morning young lady Please lie on this slab It really won’t hurt, not a bit – Please relax.I see nothing wrong,
MoreNew Research: PEDF for Endometriosis Relief
Recent research out of Tel Aviv, Israel has discovered a new potential treatment for endometriosis using pigment epithelium derived factor (PEDF).Endometriosis, a
MoreThe 21st century quest for female sexual satisfaction comes not from romance, courting or even Kama Sutra type sexual prowess, but from
MoreRolling the Dice with the HPV Vaccine
If you are the parent of a minor child, you most likely have heard about one or both of the HPV (human
MoreControversy about Gardasil and Cervarix related injuries surrounds the HPV vaccine. Almost to a tee, major medical centers, presumed thought leaders, post