A RantWomen who have been given Lupron (leuprolide) and the other GnRH agonists and antagonists and women who have had their ovaries
MoreThe Lupron Money Trail
Recent attention in a dual Reveal and Kaiser Health News Report (‘Kaiser Report’) to the risks of Lupron’s use in children with
MoreYes, and increased use of environmental toxicants may be partially to blame. Over the last decade researchers have uncovered connections between tissue
MoreParasites: A Possible Cause of Endometriosis, PCOS, and Other Chronic, Degenerative Illnesses
My intention with this post is to help inform the general public about a possible cause of various chronic/degenerative illnesses: parasites. I
MoreAdhesions – the Pain, Suffering and Frustration
My personal struggles with adhesions began shortly after a partial hysterectomy at age 33. Our daughter was just a toddler but there
MoreIf you’ve been on the internet at all over the last several weeks, you’ve likely come across these pictures- the white rats