I practiced the medical approach known as Alternative Complementary Medicine. I have tried to describe the reasons for the huge change in
MoreThe Vaccine Debate: Where is the Empathy?
Of Peanut Allergies and PetulanceA few weeks ago, a fellow social media acquaintance posted an article about peanut allergies in children. The
MoreAlmost two months ago, Lucine Health Sciences and Hormones Matter started a new research project called the Real Risk Study: Birth Control
MoreWe like smoking guns in modern medicine. Identify the pathogen, kill the pathogen, and develop a vaccine to prevent pathogenic exposures, illness solved
MoreAn endometriosis story posted on Hormones Matter caught my eye. The woman had suffered in severe pain for 20 some odd years
MoreIn CALL 6: Mother blames antibiotic for son’s death – Purdue University student took Levaquin, a news piece aired on WRTV 6
MoreLucine Health Sciences and Hormones Matter are pleased to announce an important new research project to investigate the relationship between hormonal birth
MoreBefore I get further into dissecting the Nelson Pill Hearings I want to pause and talk about feminism and my intent for