I vividly recall the most unexpected reaction I got when I told a friend that we were pregnant with our daughter. He
MoreIt is very probable that a non-medical reader, coming across this title, would not be further interested. Charcot was a famous neurologist
MoreFood Composition and Hyperglycemia
Over the last few months, I have written a number of white papers on thiamine for contract. They may or may not
MoreFood Aversions in Children with Autism
Dietary Aversions and Preferences in Children with Autism “They are a super picky eater. They won’t eat vegetables.”These are some of the
MoreSeveral years ago, when I just beginning to understand the role of nutrient co-factors in mitochondrial health, I was working with a
MoreI have been studying thiamine metabolism since 1969 when I published the first case of thiamine dependency: Intermittent cerebellar ataxia associated with hyperpyruvic
MoreThey Say Lupron Is Safe
In addition to the adverse event of dizziness reported during and post Lupron use, just reading and trying to understand Lupron’s literature
MoreThe Lupron Money Trail
Recent attention in a dual Reveal and Kaiser Health News Report (‘Kaiser Report’) to the risks of Lupron’s use in children with