Every profession has its jargon that enables its practitioners to communicate relatively easily but is incomprehensible to those outside the indicated profession.
MoreWhy Does Yaz Get a Pass?
In the early days of hormonal birth control, many physicians and politicians seemed extraordinarily indifferent to the side effects linked to the
MorePsychosomatic disease (psyche: the mind, soma: the body). Illness is defined as “of, or relating to, the interaction of mind and body”.
MoreI don’t know much about plumbing, I’ll admit it. I‘m not afraid to use a plunger, or take the lid off the
MoreIn 2011 a mother called me and asked whether I would be able to help her 14-year old son who had been
MoreYou Are What You SayCorporate-speak infests healthcare. Buzzwords invaded medicine thirty years ago, but the infection was contained to hospital administration. Now
MoreCymbalta: A Neurological Damage Machine
A friend shared a story with me earlier today—it was a quote from something amazing that one of her friends wrote. She
MoreNavigate Healing With Loved Ones
How can you support the heroine in your life and navigate the healing process? Find your inner Chris Columbus.Being ill is overwhelming.