Yes, that’s right we’re soliciting un-subscriptions to Hormones Matter. Why an un-subscription and not a subscription? Well, we’re an open access journal. We believe important health information should be open to all who need it. If we were to utilize a true subscription model, we’d have to block access to those who cannot afford it. We don’t want to do this and so we created the un-subscription model. This allows those who can afford an un-subscription to contribute and those who cannot, to still get all the great articles for free. In reality, just about everyone can afford the entry level un-subscriptions and most of us can afford much more.
If you like what we do and would like to see it continue, buy an un-subscription today. If you’re independently wealthy and would like to back Hormones Matter more fully, we’re amenable to that as well.
Subscribe to an Un-subscription Now
$12.00 per year – $1.00 per month
$60.00 per year – $5.00 per month
$120.00 per year – $10.00 per month
$240 per year – $20.00 per month
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Is this a Donation?
Well, yes and no. We are a B-corporation (for Benefit) in the state of Nevada. This means that we have codified into our charter a goal of social good. Unfortunately, this does not come with the tax deduction privileges that a non-profit organization would have. Therefore, any money you contribute is not tax deductible, for that we would have to be a not-for-profit enterprise. So while the donation is a contribution to our on-going operations and future growth, it is not a donation to a non-profit.
To learn more about Hormones Matter and our founder.