Sex in a bottle

Sex in a Bottle: the Latest Drugs for Female Sexual Desire


The 21st century quest for female sexual satisfaction comes not from romance, courting or even Kama Sutra type sexual prowess, but from the lab. Forget passion, forget lithe bodies moving rhythmically, forget needing to woo a woman, forget having any skill whatsoever in bed; why bother with any of that when you can get sex in a bottle. Every man’s dream right? Apparently, not. Sexual moirés what they are, there is nothing more frightening than a sexually hungry woman. With the newest, and dare I say, pharmacologically most interesting female desire drugs in clinical trials, concern over the potential explosion of female nymphomania is palpable. According to the New York Times reporter covering the story:

“…what if, in trials, a medicine proved too effective?” laments one scientist … and the FDA rejects “an application out of concern that a chemical would lead to female excesses, crazed binges of infidelity, societal splintering.”  

“You want your effects to be good but not too good,” says Andrew Goldstein, who is conducting the study in Washington. “There was a lot of discussion about it by the experts in the room,” he said, recalling his involvement with the development of Flibanserin, “the need to show that you’re not turning women into nymphomaniacs.”

And women, well, they’re not sure whether to jump for joy about the new drugs or bear arms against the 18th century misogynist perspective of female sexuality. I’m pretty certain no one worried about turning men into sex-crazed cads, the 8-hour Viagra induced erections or the potential blindness from said erections. (Fun fact: the same erection promoting enzyme blocked by erectile dysfunction drugs Viagra, Cialis, Levitra is also found in the retina and when blocked excessively can cause blindness). When all was said and done, a good, solid erection was considered beneficial in and of itself, no matter the cost. Lo, get those women going and watch out. Sex crazed and hysterical, they might upset generations of cultural oppression. Unless, of course, it’s used to maintain the monogamy and monotony of marriage, then by all means pop a libido pill.

The Quest for Female Sexual Desire in a Bottle

Sexual politics aside, these new sexual arousal drugs portend great things for the bedrooms of many. Though developed for women, I suspect they will be cross-marketed to men, almost immediately.

Called Lybrido and Lybridos, the two compounds address sexual desire both above and below the belt. These drugs combine a sexy mix of peppermint coated, testosterone to make you horny, coupled with the erection promoting, genital-blood-flow increasing Viagra (Lybrido), plus a boost of adrenaline with an indirect dopamine kicker (Lybridos). If that isn’t a chemical cocktail to promote copulation, I’m not sure what is. It is Lybridos that intrigues me most and here is why.

Motivating the Brain to Want Sex

Sex begins in the brain and there dopamine is king. Dopamine is the neurotransmitter released with all pleasurable activities, licit and illicit. Our brains are hardwired to seek pleasure via the dopamine reward system. Experience a little pleasure, get a boost of dopamine. Get too much dopamine and addictive behavior or psychosis ensue. Too little dopamine and there is no pleasure and no motivation to seek pleasure.

Adding a bit of dopamine to a hormonally primed and engorged sexual response system would seem to facilitate not only the pleasure response associated with the sexual act itself, but would likely increase the chances that future goal directed behavior would be initiated to sustain or repeat the sexual activity – and to take the drug again. And that is why this drug is so cool, but also, potentially addictive.

A Sex Drug and Sex Addiction

Though the crude and frankly misogynist comments about inducing nymphomania warrant scorn, there is a very real possibility that this cocktail could be addictive. Think about it, combining the pleasure of sex with a boost of dopamine is the perfect addiction. Really, who wouldn’t want to have hot sex, repeatedly. And if taking a small dose of the drug increases sexual pleasure to certain degree, then would taking more of the drug increase the pleasure to a greater degree? Can someone overdose on these drugs? (You know someone will try). Conversely, if one takes the drug repeatedly, does the dose necessarily have to increase to maintain the same level of pleasure?

Because Lybridos enhances sex, a pleasurable, dopamine and endorphin releasing activity in its own right, by increasing dopamine while simultaneously enhancing libido and genital sensitivity, the possibilities for addiction are high. Therein lies the rub. Not only could this be the perfect combination of behavioral and pharmacological addiction, but pleasurable sex threatens every puritanically ingrained, social moire we have, for men and women. Create a drug that makes sex more pleasurable, make that drug and that behavior addicting and social structures will change. Perhaps, not such a bad thing.

Chandler Marrs MS, MA, PhD spent the last dozen years in women’s health research with a focus on steroid neuroendocrinology and mental health. She has published and presented several articles on her findings. As a graduate student, she founded and directed the UNLV Maternal Health Lab, mentoring dozens of students while directing clinical and Internet-based research. Post graduate, she continued at UNLV as an adjunct faculty member, teaching advanced undergraduate psychopharmacology and health psychology (stress endocrinology). Dr. Marrs received her BA in philosophy from the University of Redlands; MS in Clinical Psychology from California Lutheran University; and, MA and PhD in Experimental Psychology/ Neuroendocrinology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.


  1. Where can I get this medicine? I am from Singapore.
    Due to our busy schedules, we only have limited time together.
    Is this fast acting?

  2. I leave in bayelsa state, where can I buy the female drugs because my wife don’t feel like making sex

  3. hi how many of these tablets are in a bottle and how many do you have to use for them to work please?also how much are they to be bought and delivered to uk thank you

  4. I’m a 36 year old mother and I completely lost my sex drive. I am looking for a product to help me get horny, not something to enhance having sex, but something that makes me want to want my husband uncontrollable. “Sex in a bottle”, sounds like something u could give a try. How can I order this product? How long do I have to wait for shipping? How much?

  5. Hi,

    So exciting to see new sex drug enhancer..but is it available in any drug stores in Malaysia? Is it an OTC or prescription drug? I have been trying many years for someone really special but none of them works. Hopefully this would be it.

    Thanks for the useful info.

  6. Where can i get some of this, my wife is to shy to ask, i live in South Africa and we need this urgently

    • Did you find it in India? I am also looking for it, sounds not too bad! Maybe in Delhi it would be available. I will be there on 30.10. But where to look for it???

  7. Hi may I know where I can get this pills in singapore? Or do I have to order it online. Please advice and your quick respond would be greatly appreciated.

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  9. I need this now! today! the love of my life might leave me (he has not said such things, but my o% sex drive will make him leave) please I live in Virginia i need this, my email goes straight to my phone get back to me where can i get this????

  10. I always have pain whenever my guy try to put to put his penis in my virgina is like there is something in my virgina that always push back his penis that doesn’t allow free enter. Pls what is the remedy?

    • You are welcome. This certainly is a interesting drug combination from the pharmacologic standpoint. I agree, in many cases, even when additional meds are required, hormone dysfunction is involved in sexual response, androgens in particular.

  11. Chandler,
    Interesting commentary. Nothing has been said on a widely distributed basis that Viagra and Cialis, etc. primary function is erection, presuming once up, it will want to go in. It does not address desire at all, only the ability. Hence, were there desire, there may indeed be an erection. too often it is used to revitalize flagging desire.
    With that in mind, can you really chemically stimulate desire. Can a pill make you pant for coitus with your partner of 15 to 40 years, now visually not the man you lusted over initially. If it can do that for women, then yes, what about helping his head to wrap around his overweight, hairy chinned wife to awaken his desire for her, as it originally was.
    Today I read a study indicating that humans are better served without monogamy. Variety is the better form of stimulation and enables long time marrieds to better enjoy their marriage.
    Sexuality, insofar as it has been up to the present time, has been primarily a pleasure afforded to men, and labeling women who dare to admit enjoying sexual activity, patently stilted and unfair.
    The day children, can accept that their parents,”do that,” is the first step towards positive change. IMHO

    • Teresa,

      Certainly, no one questioned the proclivities of men who would use Viagra or Cialis the way that they are questioning women. What’s interesting about this drug is that may very well affect desire – that is the dopamine component w/ a little bit of testosterone. And then of course, the blood flow component directs the behavior. So, it’s potentially a very interesting drug that I suspect would be used by both parties in the relationship, even though it is being targeted at women.

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