...hysterectomy and 3 other surgeries in the past year. I am at the point where I don't want to get up in
MoreEndometriosis and Risk of Suicide
...to deal with the doctors who couldn’t understand why I wasn’t feeling better, I was at the end of my rope. I
More...two surgeons had dismissed and missed--extensive adenomyosis. He treated me via meyomectomy to remove the implants rather than perform a hysterectomy and
More...I had a total hysterectomy 2 years ago due to complications of endometrosis and complex cysts. However, I was not able to
More...now several gynecologists think not only is it a cure for endometriosis but now given without a diagnostic laparoscopy. Also many insurance
MoreIs it Endometriosis?
...records show that the main contributing factor was training of gynecology residents to meet hysterectomy surgical requirements. You can read my story
More...iron infusion and then later a blood transfusion so that I could have a hysterectomy. Six weeks later my blood levels were
MoreWS I have been losing hair ever since my unwarranted hysterectomy 8 years ago (read my hysterectomy story and other articles here