...are suffering. truthaboutgardasil.org Roxie On another note about Gardasil vaccine injury and this woman's symptoms.. Our daughter has had almost exactly these
More...other research and patient reports that severe thiamine deficiencies are present in post Gardasil injury (whether the deficiencies existed pre-Gardasil, but were
MorePost Gardasil Dysautonomia: Nina’s Story
...relief from most symptoms. Lessons Learned From Gardasil Gardasil has taught us some valuable lessons. First, never think your doctor knows everything.
MoreGardasil Injured
...all her vaccines. EVERY time I answered I said, “yes she has even had the Gardasil series.” Not one doctor put this
MoreI recently became aware of a case of a boy who had died from a myocarditis and subsequent heart failure after he
More...of disability/injury following our daughter's two Gardasil injections. She has autoimmune disorders, gastroparesis, brain stem injury, photophobia, blurred vision that has begun
MoreControversy about Gardasil and Cervarix related injuries surrounds the HPV vaccine. Almost to a tee, major medical centers, presumed thought leaders, post
More...Gardasil? Gardasil is a vaccine approved by the FDA and recommended by the CDC as a preventative measure against four strains of