ragged red fibers gardasil

Post Gardasil Heart Failure, Ragged Red Fibers and Thiamine


I recently became aware of a case of a boy who had died from a myocarditis and subsequent heart failure after he had received the Gardasil vaccination. He was reportedly completely healthy before the vaccination and the death had been directly attributed to it. The autopsy report was very striking. Examination of heart muscle had revealed a “long narrow band of dark reddish discoloration, somewhat darker than the rest of the myocardium”. Although this was not described more fully, it strongly suggested that the description was that known in medical jargon as “ragged red fibers”.

Ragged red fibers are commonly seen with mitochondrial dysfunction in muscle tissue. The ragged red fibers indicate an accumulation of abnormally functioning mitochondria in the muscle tissue. Though ragged red fibers have been studied extensively in individuals with inherited mitochondrial disease, it is not clear whether this type of damage can be acquired or induced in individuals with or even without mtDNA mutations. Studies in rats, however, have shown that thiamine deficiency does result in the finding of ragged red fibers in muscle tissue, suggesting that this damage can be induced. In view of the many posts on this website discussing the association of thiamine deficiency with Gardasil vaccination, I became very interested and began to search the literature for what was known about the relationship of thiamine with ragged red fibers.


Before I offer an explanation, let me remind the reader about mitochondria. We have between 70 and 100 trillion cells that make up the human body. Each cell has a prescribed function and each of the body organs consist of highly specialized cells. What we tend to forget is that our food provides the fuel from which energy is generated. To use a simple analogy, a car without an engine would not be capable of functioning. Mitochondria are the “engines” that exist in each one of those cells. They provide the energy for which function is dependent. We inherit from our parents thousands of genes that control how we look, behave and perform as personalities. These are known as cellular genes, but mitochondria have entirely separate genes inherited only from the mother. They control the mechanisms of the “engines” (mitochondria) in generating energy. Disease can be caused by genetic mutations in cellular genes but in the past decade it has been recognized that mitochondrial genes can be responsible for disease and more than 50 different mutations have been described. The majority of these mutations are single base changes in the DNA strand. They do not necessarily produce disease by themselves. Other factors related to nutrition, lifestyle, and as I suspect, medications and vaccines, may have to come into play.

To express this fully, a deficiency of thiamine (or other vitamins) can be so mild that the symptoms, if any, are regarded as inconsequential or ascribed to other causes. This obviously becomes more important if there is an associated unknown genetic risk that affects the metabolism of the vitamin. Because thiamine is so vital to energy synthesis, the imposition of a stress factor such as a mild infection or an inoculation can precipitate more severe symptoms. Meeting stress requires adaptive energy. To provide an analogy, a car with an inefficient engine may be adequate on the level but be inadequate to meet the stress of climbing a hill.

Mitochondrial Disorders are Multi-Systemic

I should note that mitochondrial disorders are often multi-systemic due to impaired oxidation that results in defective mitochondrial energy production. That means there can be symptoms from damage to multiple organ systems simultaneously. Mitochondrial disorders are also phenotypically different amongst family members with the same mutation and amongst individuals with acquired mitochondrial dysfunction. In other words, how mitochondrial disorders or damage can present symptomatically varies radically from person to person. This variation is what makes diagnosing mitochondrial dysfunction difficult for many practitioners. The symptoms don’t always fit into nice, neat, discrete diagnostic categories that so many of us are accustomed too. This variability in mitochondrial dysfunction makes it difficult to attribute the action of a vaccine or medication as the cause of a subsequent illness, or in some cases, death. How is it possible for a medication or vaccine to induce so many seemingly disparate symptoms? To answer that question, we need to understand a few mechanisms.

Thiamine Deficiency Post Gardasil

Over the last several years, we have identified several cases of laboratory confirmed thiamine deficiency post Gardasil. Additionally, when lab testing was unavailable (few labs offer the appropriate assays for thiamine testing), clinical response to thiamine treatment has been confirmatory. In more recent research, we have identified thiamine transporter gene mutations (SLC19A2) in a group of young women who experienced severe reactions to the Gardasil vaccine (reported within this article). Combined, this suggests that thiamine deficiency is involved in some of the adverse reactions observed and that the potential danger from the use of a vaccine requires more information from the patient and his/her family. How can something as simple as thiamine cause so many adverse reactions and even death? And can a medication or vaccine induce thiamine deficiency?

Thiamine is Critical for Mitochondrial Functioning

Thiamine is a critical co-factor in multiple pathways involved in mitochondrial energy production (ATP). It is necessary for carbohydrate processing via the pyruvate pathway and it is necessary for fatty acid processing because of its involvement with the HACL1 enzyme.  In other words, the mitochondria depend upon thiamine to function. Diminish thiamine and all sorts of compensatory reactions are initiated which, if not stopped, can cause death. Thiamine deficiency in adults, particularly those with chronic alcoholism, is considered a medical emergency. It has not, however, been readily recognized in reference to other causes of malnutrition where there is an imbalance between the ingested calories and the necessary vitamins – high calorie malnutrition. This particularly applies to thiamine.

The Gardasil Thiamine Relationship

There are multiple mechanisms by which a vaccine or medication can induce thiamine deficiency or push an existing or subclinical deficiency into a danger zone. Beginning with the later first, the modern western diet is replete with highly processed foods that are dense in calories but lack non-caloric nutrients. It is entirely likely that many individuals, even those that appear healthy, are borderline thiamine deficient or intermittently thiamine deficient when stressors or illnesses arise. Vaccines are toxicological stressors to the immune system and broadly speaking, any stressor, but particularly one that demands an immune reaction like a vaccine, is capable of inducing a thiamine deficient state. In individuals with latent errors in thiamine absorption (GI disorders), distribution or metabolism (like those with thiamine transporter mutations), or anything that evokes even a slight degradation in thiamine nutrient availability, thiamine deficiency will be exacerbated exponentially.

The Gardasil vaccine was developed using a yeast type base*. The yeast produces an enzyme called thiaminase that inactivates thiamine. Again, against the backdrop of poor diet or diet high in foods that also produce thiaminase (coffee, tea, certain fish), but especially, against the backdrop of a genetic or acquired mitochondrial issue recognized or latent, the reaction to the vaccine (or medication, as many medications can block thiamine directly or indirectly), can be devastating.

Finally, vaccines, because of the adjuvant carriers like aluminum, damage to mitochondrial functioning more broadly, with both structural and functional changes are noted. Damaged mitochondria are not only less capable of producing appropriate amounts of cellular energy but are also incapable of performing the myriad of other functions with which the mitochondria are tasked.

Ragged Red Fibers and Cardiomyopathy

Let us continue with this case and the ragged red fibers observed in the myocardium, the heart muscle, of the deceased boy. For those who study mitochondrial disorders, one of the more common histological hallmarks of the disease process in mitochondrial disorders are ragged red fibers.  These are muscle fibers with abnormal focal accumulations of mitochondria. According to the coroner’s report:

“a long narrow band of dark reddish discoloration which is somewhat darker than the rest of the myocardium, extends over a length of 6 cm and has a width of 0.4 cm extending from the anterior base of the heart almost to the apex. ..this lesion is limited to the anterior free wall”

was observed. The coroner concluded that the boy developed asymptomatic myocarditis in weeks preceding his death. The myocarditis evoked a heart attack which was the determined cause of death. A subsequent review by a medical expert hired by the attorneys presenting the case against the vaccine manufacturer, went a little deeper, attributing the dark fibers to a vaccine-induced inflammatory reaction resulting from the first dose of Gardasil. He argued that the first dose of the vaccine initiated a heart attack that was somehow not noticed by the child, as he continued to play football. Upon receiving the second dose, however, the damage initiated by the first dose was exacerbated, slowing heart function until it failed entirely. In either case, the heart muscle was irreparably damaged such that the child died in his sleep with the Gardasil as the causal agent.

Given my background in thiamine research, and thiamine’s role in heart function (as well as in brain function), I immediately wondered if the observed “band of darkish reddish discolorations” could be the ragged red fibers so common in mitochondrial dysfunction and if there presence indicated thiamine deficiency. Furthermore, I suspected that the fact that he died in his sleep strongly suggested that the automatic respiratory mechanism governed by the brain stem was implicated. This too, is a strong support for thiamine deficiency. I should note, I did not have access to the full report; only that which was published online.

Thiamine Deficiency and Ragged Red Fibers: Experimental Evidence

As I have argued previously and elaborated above, the HPV vaccines can induce and/or exacerbate thiamine deficiency. The question is whether thiamine deficiency can induce ragged red fibers in muscle.

To that end, I discovered a manuscript in the Archives of Neurology: Neuropathic and mitochondrial changes induced in rat muscle, showing that experimentally in rodents this was possible. Thiamine deficiency could induce ragged red fibers in muscle tissue. In this particular study, two groups of rats were compared. One group was fed a normal diet and the other group was fed a diet deficient in thiamine. The rats with thiamine deficient diets developed ragged red fibers in the muscles. Other abnormalities were described not found in the muscles of the control rats.  The authors concluded that thiamine deficiency was responsible for  the observed ragged red fibers and may be involved in what are now called the “ragged-red diseases”.

Case Studies: Ragged Red Fibers, Thiamine and Mitochondrial Disease

Japanese investigators studied two siblings with muscle disease due to mitochondrial dysfunction, a mutation in the mitochondrial DNA, and familial thiamine deficiency. Ragged red fibers were found in muscle biopsies. The older brother had presented at the age of 20 years when he developed muscle disease and beriberi heart disease. Thiamine deficiency was present in the siblings and parents and ragged red fibers were noted in muscle biopsies from the siblings. The development of symptoms at the age of 20 years certainly indicates that it was not a purely genetically determined disease.

Another article in a Japanese journal reported a nine year-old boy with muscle and brain disease in whom thiamine administration gave temporary improvement. A muscle biopsy had revealed numerous ragged-red fibers.

Mitochondrial diseases have a special predilection to involve the brain in view of its high metabolic demand. Patients with a form of disease known as myoclonic epilepsy have ragged red fibers in muscle tissue thus identifying the underlying mitochondrial cause.

Mitochondrial Dysfunction in Myocardial Infarction and Sudden Death

In a recent review of mitochondrial cardiomyopathies we see some striking similarities between this case and what has been recently recognized. Accordingly:

The presentation of mitochondrial cardiomyopathy includes hypertrophic, dilated, and left ventricular (LV) noncompaction, and the severity can range from no symptoms to devastating multisystemic disease. Severe cardiac manifestations include heart failure and ventricular tachyarrhythmia—which can worsen acutely during a metabolic crisis —and sudden cardiac death. Mitochondrial crisis is often precipitated by physiologic stressors such as febrile illness or surgery [a vaccine] and can be accompanied by acute heart failure.

Bioenergetic derangements are increasingly recognized as major culprits in the development of cardiac hypertrophy and in the progression to heart failure, in both acquired and inherited disease. The mitochondria are a crucial platform for energy transduction, signaling, and cell-death pathways that are broadly relevant to heart failure, even in the absence of an underlying mitochondrial myopathy. Oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction are key factors in the development of most heart failure.

Connecting the Dots

The question remains, how could this boy’s death from a vaccination have been predicted and thus avoided? It is clear that there was temporal relationship between the vaccine, the damage to his heart, and his subsequent death. Mechanistically, the evidence is collaborative with this association. From an evidentiary standpoint, the vaccine appears capable of inducing mitochondrial dysfunction via its ability to diminish thiamine, and likely, via other, yet to be identified, mechanisms. Of key importance, however, is that thiamine depletion on its own, can induce ragged red fibers in muscle tissue, probably including the heart muscle. When the vaccine is given to an individual with genetic or other risk factors (like comorbid health issues, poor diet, and/or the high metabolic demands of sports training), the results can be devastating. Given that this combination of variables includes most teenagers, it is difficult not to see the dangers of this vaccine. In conclusion, if the long band of dark reddish muscle tissue described in the heart muscle of the boy had been shown to be ragged red fibers, it would have supported mitochondrial dysfunction as the cause of death.

*It should be noted that the Cervarix HPV vaccine was not developed using a yeast base, and thus, it is not clear by what mechanism(s) it might diminish thiamine concentrations.

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Image: Very high magnification micrograph showing ragged red fibres (also ragged red fibers), commonly abbreviated RRF, in a mitochondrial myopathy. Gomori trichrome stain.

Nephron, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

This article was published originally on Hormones Matter on January 5, 2016. 

Derrick Lonsdale M.D., is a Fellow of the American College of Nutrition (FACN), Fellow of the American College for Advancement in Medicine (FACAM). Though now retired, Dr. Lonsdale was a practitioner in pediatrics at the Cleveland Clinic for 20 years and was Head of the Section of Biochemical Genetics at the Clinic. In 1982, Lonsdale joined the Preventive Medicine Group to specialize in nutrient-based therapy. Dr. Lonsdale has written over 100 published papers and the conclusions support the idea that healing comes from the body itself rather than from external medical interventions.


  1. This is incredible work! All of the dots connect. I received my first injection of Guardasil in my early teens and a second at 18 y/o right before entering college. At 18 I also adopted a vegetarian diet that lasted five years, and had always been a ‘sugar/coffee addict’ with high school performance and high exercise. A few months after my second injection, I crashed and burned. No energy to make it to classes, sleeping all day, started losing weight, sudden anemia, brain fog, recurrent infections and loss of coordination. I flunked out of college and proceeded to spend the next half a decade scraping by … while getting progressively worse. I had two serious urinary tract infections with blood in the urine, both of which were “treated” by doctors with an immediate Ciprofloxacin prescription without so much as a culture to see if the infection was even bacterial. On the cipro, I experienced sudden-onset, temporary auditory and visual hallucinations. These symptoms disappeared once the medication was completed. But afterwords, I began to experience extreme fatigue, more infections, mood disturbances, ahedonia, POTS, low BP, and connective tissue degeneration (premature wrinkles, loose joints, and I suspect also torn ligaments). Things started to turn around a little when I left Vegetarianism, and started eating a more nutrient-dense diet with grass fed beef and dairy, pastured eggs, wild caught fish, and so on. But then I started intensive sunbathing at low latitude (a la Jack Kruse) along with full-strength coffee, and restarting exercise – followed by another crash. I’m now taking time off to rest as much as possible, avoiding excessive sun, taking a few adaptogens to manage stress, and starting a high-fat, moderate-protein, low carbohydrate diet with plenty of organ meats and bone broth. Today marks the day I begin to work my way up to high dose (300 mg/day) thiamine supplementation in the form of benfotiamine along with magnesium, Selenium, and biotin.

    Sorry for the length of this comment … I wanted to share my story alongside some info on how I was able to heal, even if not completely yet (and it might not ever be a full recovery). But I will post again with an update on how the thiamine helps. Hopefully I will be able to go on to regain my energy and drive, and zest for life! Maybe even go back to school.

    Thank you very much for all the hard work that you do. Thank you as well for the bravery you show as a PhD and MD in stepping out of the corruption of the current medical establishment in order to truly educate the public, and help those of us who’ve been harmed (or had a loved one harmed) by the HPV vaccine. Not to mention all of the other negligent or malicious practices …

    One day, I hope society will be able to look back on this era of history with new eyes and realize just how wrong it was. Thanks again.

    – B

    • This is yet another example of energy destruction in an intelligent young person. The symptoms that described are classical and I want to point them out.
      Fatigue, weight loss, anemia (may be secondary), brain fog, recurrent infections and loss of coordination are all typical of energy failure (i.e. mitochondrial) affecting the brain.
      After partial recovery he was given Cipro, an antibiotic that sometimes has far reaching bad effects. Notice that he experienced hallucinations. POTS (Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome) and low BP are typical symptoms described in the thiamine deficiency disease, beriberi (English translation, I can’t, I can’t). The changes in connective tissues that he mentions are mindful of Ehrlers Danlos Syndrome. This is described as a genetically determined disease but it is one of the group of disease under the classification of dysautonomia. Dysautonomia is dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system whose controls are in the lower brain and this part of the brain is extremely sensitive to thiamine deficiency. Variations in symptoms of dysautonomia are related to genetic or nutritionally acquired facts
      Notice the curative effect of a high protein diet that would provide B vitamins. Finally, he/she reports that after sunbathing, coffee ingestion and exercise he/she “crashed”.
      It does not take a genius to see that if you remove the present concepts of disease diagnosis and analyse the above symptoms it becomes obvious that this represents energy production versus its consumption. What we forget is that life depends on this equation. UVL, as in sunbathing, is a stressor to the body and evolution has given us skin tanning to protect us. Tanning takes energy and is the accepted indication of health. Coffee causes energy to be consumed, thus giving us a false idea that it produces energy. Exercise consumes energy and is also a marker of fitness.
      Finally, energy production and its consumption depend on a mixture of genetic risk and appropriate nutrition.

  2. Dr. Lonsdale,
    The short version of my story is that I’ve been sick for many years, and have been diagnosed with various illnesses. After recently stumbling upon articles discussing the side effects of Gardisil, I am now convinced that this is the underlying cause of most of my health problems. After going to countless doctors, most of whom can’t find anything wrong with me, and many of whom have told me it’s all in my head, I have become desperate for answers, and have wanted to give up. After reading about you and your research/knowledge, I am convinced that you are the answer to my prayers. I understand that you are retired, and I feel bad about bothering you, but I’m hoping that you can give me guidance on how to begin treatment, as I am desperate to get my life back. I would prefer to give you the long version of my story privately through email. So if you could email me, I would greatly appreciate it. If this is not possible, and you would prefer that I post the details here, I will do so.
    Thank you,

  3. Hello Dr Lonsdale,

    I am sorry for bothering you again, but I have no idea of what to do (see comment on the Hypoxia post). I too have taken two dosages of Gardasil and since then I started to have Thiamine deficiency symptoms. I have also found a network of labs in Europe that do the transketolase test. I am going to do the test next week, hopefully. Today I took 1/5 of a thiamine HCl capsule, and now I am having awful awful chest pain, disorientation, and fatigue. I don’t know how to say this without sounding desperate, but I’m losing hope. If I am Thiamine deficient and every thiamine I try, even very low dosages knock me out, how am I going to overcome this?

    • This requires a rather lengthy reply. It is called “paradox” because when you start taking nutrients, the symptoms become worse for an unpredictable length of time and it is of course the exact opposite of what we expect. The only parallel that I know is in acupuncture. The ancient Chinese knew that when they started acupuncture they reached a “point of balance”. If they persisted with the acupuncture the symptoms would return and were exactly the same as when they started the treatment. Paradox is not unknown with drugs. For example a child being treated for ADD or ADHD would get worse, usually leading to giving up on the drug. In this case, only “one fifth of a thiamin capsule was taken but we don’t know what the dose was anyway. In a recent case in which I had advised a patient with dysautonomia, the paradox was excruciating and I quote from her explanation. “A few days after I started TTFD, my migraines were even worse than normal. I was terribly tired and hadn’t slept a wink. My body aches and pains felt like the flu. It went on for more than four weeks.” She then went on to say “not to worry, the paradox does subside. Not long after I felt better than I had in years: no headaches and more energy than I knew what to do with. I also sleep better than I ever have. My 14-year-old daughter had paradox where the doctors were suspecting juvenile rheumatoid arthritis. After the paradox which lasted about two weeks she is now running her fastest time in cross country” obviously, this is not a joke. Paradox is a serious problem and should be under the care of a physician who knows what we are talking about. “It has been said many times that there is “no gain without pain” and I have come to my own conclusion that the aches and pains that are part of the paradox are not in and of themselves dangerous, but undoubtedly disturbing. You should continue on the tiny dose of thiamin that produced the paradox but I must emphasize very strongly that you do this under the care of your own physician.You can escalate the dose later. I can only advise.The trouble with this is that the idea of nutrient therapy and paradox are entirely new in our culture and few physicians are in possession of the facts. This website is really in a pioneering state and I hope that it lights a few fires!

      • Dr. Lonsdale,
        Are there any doctors who are doing the same kind of thiamine work you do for treatment? I believe this may be my problem. Hypoglycemia, insomnia, terrible anxiety, dizziness or weird things going on with my vision (feels off), fatigue, nerve firing in arms at times, muscle feels somewhat bruised at times. I tested very low in thiamine and moderate low for riboflavin on a (MAP test) metabolic acids profile test back in December 2013. I was taking a b complex, but started wondering if the neurological firing in my arm was from b6 toxicity. Which around that time I had added in some benfotiamine, and a few days into taking it was when I had severe muscle pain in my right bicep about 15 minutes after eating pineapple and taking my probiotic. I initially wondered if it was the high level of the b6 in the pineapple or the lactic acid in the probiotic. So I had my b6 tested and it was 88 with a reference range of 10-20, so my doctor had me stop my b’s, but now I am still having the shooting pains and my anxiety has gone back up. A new doc has put me on methyl b12 because he said I need it, my serum level was at 1142, so it doesn’t appear to be getting in the cell. I’m guessing that the deficiency in the other b’s may be causing this. So what are the steps to getting this corrected? Do you know of any other doctors that can treat in the manner that you have? As I know that you are retired, which is very sad. Also what testing needs to be done?
        Thank you in advance for any help in this matter. I know of a researcher in thiamine deficiency who would love to talk to you. Feel free to contact me by email to get her contact information.

        • Dear Tami,

          I read your post with empathy and frustration, as I am in a similar situation. I had hypoglycemia, insomnia, terrible anxiety, vision problems, nerve problems and other issues, as well. I wrote an article that was posted here on 3/23/17, “Connecting the Symptom Dots: Discovering My Thiamine Deficiency.”There was some useful posts after my article. Also, I posted a comment under the article, “Thiamine Deficiency and Dependency Syndromes: Case Reports, to which Dr. Lonsdale replied 03/13 (under name LMP). I believe the combination of Lipothiamine and magnesium has helped my symptoms the most. I’m gradually increasing my lipothiamine dose and I’m sleeping better and anxiety is reduced. I’m still working through it and hoping that the nerve damage isn’t permanent. I read recently that serum B12 can be elevated when Thiamine is low. Probably read it in some of Dr. Lonsdale’s writing, but recall which one at the moment.

          Also, my hypoglycemia has been under control, but I’m not sure if that is the lipothiamine or because I’m gluten-free (or both).

          I, too, am looking for a physician to help me pull everything together, but so far, no doctor has been able to help.

          Tami – I wish you good health.

          • LMP,
            Thank you so much for your reply and encouragement! I did read your post and I am so glad to have read your whole story. I had my husband order some lipothiamine, and I already take magnesium citrate. I would love to correspond with you, but I’m not sure how without putting my personal email on here. I wonder if there is a way to private message each other? If you have any ideas on a way we could correspond please let me know, I will try to check back here to find you. Are you on facebook? Just curious where you might have read that serum b12 can be elevated by thiamine deficiency? I am gluten free also recently tested for it, but negative for celiac.
            There is a researcher that has been working to understand the genetic component of thiamine deficiency, because she has several family members who have had thiamine deficiency related health issues. She had idiothrombocytopenia (spelling??) also known as ITP that is a low platelet condition? If injured badly she could bleed to death. So she has a personal interest in thiamine deficiency. She was personally invited to a large genetics conference in Arizona last month. She is trying to get funding for more research and help with research. I’m hoping she might get the opportunity to contact the good Dr. Lonsdale to help point her to more resources or others who may be studying these genetics. She is on facebook and has quite a following, although she is lacking funding. She has done a lot of the research with self funding, but she said things need to be automated to help the research get expedited. Anyway we coul try to meet on a forum like hers?
            I would love to know if Dr. Lonsdale could recommend a good doctor for thiamine deficiency.? It would also be great if he would start a facebook group for people who might be suffering with this condition, or the person who has this site.
            LMP, hope we can stay in touch. By the way, did you have any trouble adding in the lipothiamine? And do you take a b complex with it?
            Wishing you the best also! I hope things continue to keep improving.
            God bless,

    • Ana,
      Did you get the help you needed? I think I might be able to explain the issue you are having with chest pain. If you have been thiamine deficient for a long time you can become very low in the antioxidant selenium which affects the heart. Vitamin K and biotin also have relationships with thiamine. Sometimes thiamine is step#2 and you need to find step#1. I am happy to share whatever I can.

  4. I need to contact someone that might be able to help. My son received his 3rd and final HPV shot in January 2015. In February he was unable to stay awake and developed cataplexy. He was diagnosed with Narcolepsy in June. He is on several medications and his quality of life is not the same. Could this have been caused by HPV? I need to know more about a possible thiamine deficiency. Can someone please reply. Thank you.

    • Karen- I’ve replied to another post on this site but I want you to know that your son is not alone. I too developed hypersomnia (borderline narcolepsy) and cataplexy after gardasil. The cataplexy went away on its own but my sleep disorders are so out of control and ruining my life. Sadly this is not all gardasil has done to me. After my second vaccine I was diagnosed with premature ovarian failure at age 23. It was very shocking since I was pregnant before that and I had blood work a few months before the vaccine showing all NORMaL hormone levels. I am now on modafinil 200 mg a day but it only helps a little bit. It does keep from nodding off during the day but I still need to stack it with coffee just to function. Yet I can take 400 mg of modafinil and go right to sleep if I wanted to. I can take 15-20 mg of aderall and go right to sleep too! One of my biggest complaints are these deep coma like sleeps I fall into. Nothing can wake me up! And I’ll sleep like that for more than 18 hours, I’ve once gone over 24 hours straight not even waking to use the restroom or eat! Unless I did in my sleep and don’t remember? It’s scary, it’s dangerous and interfering with my life. Does this happen to your son?

    • The more I hear about the disease manifestations following Gardasil, the more urgent it seems to be. It is pretty clear to me that this vaccine has a devastating effect on mitochondria, wrecking energy metabolism in the brain and nervous system. Cataplexy, hypersomnia, salt wasting syndrome, POTS and many other manifestations of defective brain metabolism have been reported on this website. This is consistent with the common observation that affected individuals always seem to be the brightest and best students and athletes. My point is that the energy requirement of the brain is directly proportional to the IQ. Many of the symptoms after this vaccination are diagnosed as psychosomatic because the standard lab tests are all normal. We desperately need a new way of looking at this and there is no doubt in my mind that it should be reported although I certainly do not want any physician to wind up like poor Dr. Wakefield whose case is well known by most people. The 2 nutrients that seem to have had the best effect are undoubtedly Lipothiamine and magnesium in large doses. However, I must state clearly here that paradoxical worsening of symptoms will follow the initiation of the treatment for a variable and unpredictable time before improvement begins.Extremely low doses should be started until the paradoxical worsening of symptoms abates. Each youngster that comes down with post Gardasil illness is a predictable but avoidable tragedy.

      • My god-daughter and her cousin were 13 and 11 years old when their mothers decided to have them vaccinated with Gardisil at the same time. My god-daughter started having fainting spells. They lasted about a year. I’m not sure if she’s having any other side effects. Her cousin came down with increasing serious and perplexing symptoms, all of them pointing to autoimmune dysfunction.
        Today, my god-daughter is 23 and hopefully doing okay. Her 21 year old cousin is fighting for her life in battling Lupus.
        Several years ago, my youngest son’s pediatrician asked me if I wanted him to have the HPV shot. I absolutely love this doctor, but when he asked that question, it took a lot to not react with hostility.
        My son has enough problems as it is(Cardiac anomalies, single kidney, scoliosis, pectus carinatum, cafe-au-lait spots, Cerebral Palsy, genetic micro-duplications and FRMPD4). I’m already leery about vaccinations. My response will always be, “Oh Helluva NO”……

  5. My 14 yr old daughter died suddenly on 9/5/15. Autopsy report listed COD as a “cardiac Arrhythmia due to myocardial inflammation”.

    She was a normal, healthy child and had been cleared physically year after year. Most recently for her to being her Freshman year and play Fall 2015 sports prior to her death. She had also continually played sports since she was 5 yrs old without any problems/symptoms.

    I had the 1st dose of the Gardasil shot administered to her approx. 6 weeks prior to her death. I have always wondered if the shot played a part in her death…

    Thank you for any feedback

    • Unfortunately, I have no doubt that this was related to the vaccination. What we have seem to have learned is that the vaccination is dangerous only to certain people: 1. The brain is only 2 to 3% of total body weight, but uses 25% of the energy requirement when the body is at rest. The unusually bright student both academically and athletically (they often go together) is more at risk because of the increased energy requirement of the brain needed to meet the stress of the vaccination: 2. When there is a minor and otherwise asymptomatic genetic risk triggered by the non-specific stress of vaccination: 3. High calorie malnutrition that may be asymptomatic from marginal thiamine deficiency, but becoming critical from failure to meet the increased energy requirement of the stress caused by vaccination. Please read the post about ragged red fibers. They are induced by thiamine deficiency affecting the mitochondria, the “engines” of cells. I have attempted repeatedly to get this out into the open in regard to the dangers of this vaccination. So far we have failed miserably and there will be more tragedies of this nature. With this amount of knowledge, further research is absolutely mandatory and it is inexcusable to merely pass off such an awful event as either coincidental or an unfortunate accident. When will the profession of medicine and pharmacotherapy come to its collective senses?

    • You are absolutely right to believe that this was indeed related to the vaccination. I have no doubt that the pathologist did not look for ragged red fibers, the hallmark of thiamine deficiency in the myocardium

  6. I need to contact Dr. Lonsdale asap does anyone have any contact information so i could get in touch with him? Thank you!


  7. Hey, my wife is suffering severely since receiving the gardasil vaccine. From reading i understand that girls/boys develop a thiamine deficiency because of the yeast in the vaccine. My question is, is there a possible link to prions and/or prion disease since prions and yeast are related? A lot of people effected by gardasil seem to have a lot of the same symptoms as CJD which is a prion disease. I was just wondering if it could be a more mild/modified/mutated for of prion disease. Thank you all for any feedback!!!!

    • If I have not commented on this before, this is a very sensible question. It has recently been found that thiamine will bind to a prion, now known to be a misfolded protein. We do not know at present what this relationship means in the treatment of prion disease. It may have far-reaching consequences.

  8. Is there a way to contact this doctor? I have a severe Gardasil injury and have lots of heart problems, severe breathing trouble, thiamine issues, lyme, had a few strokes, have almost died several times, etc.. I really could use his help in guiding me on what I need to do right now for my heart and if/ how get a biopsy done. I practice energy healing and have had visions come to me of a band constricting the top of my heart and things inside the muscle but could never identify what exactly I saw. When I read this it made perfect sense. If someone could help me, please do. It is urgent.

  9. Our son was treated by Dr. Lonsdale prior to his retirement and I am so grateful for his care and insight. He is an absolute genius and pioneer in his field. Thank you, Doctor, for your years of providing nutritional support to patients so that their bodies may heal themselves!

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