...energy. To relax your muscles, they need energy. Something else to consider: Are you eating enough? You need substrate to make energy
More...hypercortisolism, undiagnosed, but instead was given a "bandaid" which certainly did boost my energy, mood, strength, cognitive ability and libido. But I
More...was consumption of energy that was required for adapting and its failure resulted in the syndrome that he described. Now we know
MoreSIDS and Vaccination
...great deal of energy to function. The only means by which this could be acquired was through pristine nutrition for the mother
More...the comptrollers of cellular energy, are exceedingly adaptable to existential threat. So long as the accounts are balanced favorably towards energy availability,
More...an animal’s ability to meet stress demanded cellular energy to adapt. This was intuitive, because knowledge of energy metabolism in Selye’s day
MoreWhy Do We Use Nasal Oxygen?
...to the newspaper. What we are looking at is simply the transfer of energy from one action to another. Even striking the
More...first sight, appears to be ridiculous until you realize that the brain consumes an enormous amount of energy. If a person is