...symptoms and recognized my experience immediately in beriberi disease. I found the website, Hormones Matter, run by Dr. Derrick Lonsdale and Dr.
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...respond similarly. As one of the first medical doctors to use TTFD as a clinical intervention in the Western world, Dr. Derrick
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...right on it, after we brought it up...very cool Dr T :) Any thought of sending a copy of your book to
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...I wish to goodness more people understood this! Take care Dr. Lonsdale! A. Ayer Dr. Lonsdale, I was reading what you wrote
MoreSevere Gut Dysbiosis, MCAS, and Oral Lichen Planus
...should listen to Dr. Lonsdale about the nutritional IVs. While the Lonsdale/Marrs book is very expensive, Dr. Lonsdale has a couple of
MoreBrandick I am the author of the article that inspired Dr. Lonsdale's response. I would be very interested to discuss with him
More...slowly. Christopher Dr. Lonsdale and Dr. Marrs, First of all, thank you so much for the time and effort you have put
More...a subsequent post, I believe carbonic anhydrase inhibition provides a plausible explanation for the outcomes Costantini and his colleagues have observed, potentially