Be the change

Giving Tuesday – Be the Change


Be the change. I like that. It embodies everything HM stands for, everything I stand for. If we want things to be different, we have to step up and be the change we want to see. When I began HM over 10 years ago my goal was to change the direction of medicine. A lofty goal, I will admit, but I think in many ways we have succeeded. Certainly not on the grand scale that I had hoped, but post by post, we have inspired folks to look at the roots of ill-health instead of just the symptoms. In doing so, we have helped many recover their health. Slowly, more and more practitioners are catching on too.

People look to HM for the resources they cannot find elsewhere. Our patient stories are honest and real. They provide insight not available anywhere else. These stories are unhindered by diagnostic biases and tell the story as experienced by the individual. They shed light on the complicated nature of modern illness. Illness, especially chronic illness, never fits neatly into a clear diagnostic category. Illness is metabolic and systemic, with interactions between all sorts of variables that determine its expression. First person case stories illustrate this complexity.

Similarly, our research articles, published by experts and lay scientists alike, explore topics not covered by other health sites and do so with an uncommon depth of perspective. We don’t do health clickbait. We tackle complicated topics and unravel, question, and hypothesize about the mechanisms of ill health. We may not have the answers but we ask the right questions.

We are the change we want to see. Join us and become part of the change too.

How To Support Hormones Matter

There are two ways support HM. You may contribute time by writing for us and/or contribute funds to help sustain the site. Both help tremendously.

Write For Us

The only way to change conventional medicine is to show the world what it is missing. This is where you can help. Write your story and allow us to publish it. It can be anonymous, if you would like. Your insights will help others understand their health issues and more importantly, your story will help move the needle beyond the confines of the current ‘pill for every ill’ model of medicine. And if you are in the midst of a complicated health issue, publishing your story with HM just might lead to the insight you need to heal.

If you are a researcher or citizen scientist, share your research. Share what you have learned or are learning and share your hypotheses. That is right, we publish hypotheses. One of my personal goals is disabuse the medical world of its fallacious perceptions of certainty and the associated cudgel of settled science. Both are disingenuous at best and dangerous at worst. The human organism and its endless interactions with its environment across a lifetime is entirely too complex for either. The articles published on HM highlight highlight these complexities. Of you are of like mind, consider publishing your work on HM. Our articles get hundreds and sometimes thousands of views each and every month, far more than most academic journals. Write for us.

Contribute to Hormones Matter

The other way to help is to contribute funds to help sustain HM operations. I run HM largely by myself and as a service to others. I do not take a salary for the work I do here and the contributions collected cover the costs of operation. It is not a non-profit, however, it is simply folded into my consulting LLC ( I write and do research for other organizations). That means contributions are not tax deductible. That is not to say contributions are not needed. They are. Without these contributions, I could not keep HM online.


Thank you.


Photo by Maria Thalassinou on Unsplash.

Chandler Marrs MS, MA, PhD spent the last dozen years in women’s health research with a focus on steroid neuroendocrinology and mental health. She has published and presented several articles on her findings. As a graduate student, she founded and directed the UNLV Maternal Health Lab, mentoring dozens of students while directing clinical and Internet-based research. Post graduate, she continued at UNLV as an adjunct faculty member, teaching advanced undergraduate psychopharmacology and health psychology (stress endocrinology). Dr. Marrs received her BA in philosophy from the University of Redlands; MS in Clinical Psychology from California Lutheran University; and, MA and PhD in Experimental Psychology/ Neuroendocrinology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

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