Is Your Deodorant Linked to Breast Cancer?


A new study reveals that parabens, a toxin found in most bath and beauty products, was found in 99% of breast cancer tissue tested. Parabens are used in everyday products like shampoo, deodorant, body wash, make-up, etc., as an antimicrobial. The parabens in various products enter the body through the skin and mimic estrogen in our system. This study demonstrates how parabens in our products are linked to the estrogen overload that can cause breast cancer and other health problems. For mor information please read Dr. Mercola‘s article on this study, our article on toxic cosmetics and DIY beauty products (including safe deodorant), and for an in-depth, scientific look you can read the study found in the Journal of Applied Toxicology.

Lisbeth Prifogle is a freelance writer, Marine officer, and globetrotter currently in San Diego, CA. She earned an MFA in Creative Writing from Antioch University, Los Angeles and a BA from DePauw University. Lisbeth spent six months in Iraq and is working on a memoir about her experiences. She keeps a blog titled The Next Bold Move and her work can be found in the 11th issue of Poem Memoir Story, The Splinter Generation, and In the Know Travel. Lisbeth has had problems balancing hormones since she was a teenager and is constantly researching and exploring natural remedies including diet, exercise, and alternative medicines.

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