Chandler Marrs

Crowdfund Hormones Matter – Buy an Unsubscription Now


Hormones Matter is a labor of love, but an unfunded labor of love that needs your help. Hi, I am Chandler Marrs, PhD, founder, editor and chief trouble-maker at Hormones Matter. I want to continue our offerings and provide our community with as many resources as possible. This takes financial and human resources that I simply do not have. So I am offering you, our readers, community members, supporters, friends, family, and fellow health advocates, the opportunity to help crowdfund Hormones Matter.

Crowdfunding with a Twist – The Unsubscription

As with everything we do here at Hormones Matter, this crowdfunding campaign is a little bit different than others. Technically it’s not a crowdfunding campaign at all, because I am not going to offer you any kitschy certificates, t-shirts or other products you don’t need or want. Nope, I will not offer you any of the standard fair associated with traditional crowdfunding campaigns.

What I will offer is the continued health advocacy, science and medical reporting, and the research that you have come to trust, plus the much needed additions to the website that our community desperately needs. I will offer the opportunity to change healthcare dramatically, by giving voice to those with the invisible, difficult to diagnose and seemingly impossible to treat, diseases. And finally, I will offer the opportunity to contribute to a deeper understanding about medication safety and efficacy. If you believe in what we are doing here at Hormones Matter and want to be part of the healthcare solution, help us stay online and help me fund the next steps in our development.

Contribute Now by Purchasing a Hormones Matter Unsubscription

Yes, you read that correctly, an unsubscription. Why an unsubscription?  Well, I want our reporting, our research, everything we do, to be open to all. The unsubscription model, also called the pay-what-you-can model, allows those who can pay, to pay, and those who can’t afford to pay to still have access to all of the great health and science information we provide. I believe very strongly that one’s ability to access the latest health research should not be contingent on income, and hence, the unsubscription model.

If you have a few bucks and like what we do, send them over. If you have a few more and want to really see us grow, then buy a big unsubscription. If you’d prefer a one-time contribution, click the donate button.

Subscribe to an Unsubscription Now

$12.00 per year – $1.00 per month

$60.00 per year – $5.00 per month

$120.00 per year – $10.00 per month

$240.00 per year – $20.00 per month

Donation in any Amount

Is this a Donation?

Well, yes and no. Hormones Matter was formerly an arm of a  B-Corp (for benefit corporation), that I ran for many years as a service to the community. Without the resources to run this type of business endeavor any longer, and in an effort to keep Hormones Matter alive, I have closed the corporation and moved Hormones Matter over to a single entity LLC. What this means is that any money you contribute is not tax deductible, for that I would have to be a not-for-profit enterprise. So while the donation is a contribution to our on-going operations, it is not a donation to a non-profit.  Your financial contribution will help keep Hormones Matter online.

Chandler Marrs MS, MA, PhD spent the last dozen years in women’s health research with a focus on steroid neuroendocrinology and mental health. She has published and presented several articles on her findings. As a graduate student, she founded and directed the UNLV Maternal Health Lab, mentoring dozens of students while directing clinical and Internet-based research. Post graduate, she continued at UNLV as an adjunct faculty member, teaching advanced undergraduate psychopharmacology and health psychology (stress endocrinology). Dr. Marrs received her BA in philosophy from the University of Redlands; MS in Clinical Psychology from California Lutheran University; and, MA and PhD in Experimental Psychology/ Neuroendocrinology from the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.

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