Recent attention in a dual Reveal and Kaiser Health News Report (‘Kaiser Report’) to the risks of Lupron’s use in children with
More“It’s all in your head.” “Just relax.” “Have a glass of wine before sex.” These are direct quotes, from uneducated and insensitive
MoreDES, Nazis, and American Industrialists
DES is a synthetic estrogen-like compound developed in 1938 by English chemist Charles Dodd. German chemists under the employ of the Nazis
MoreHysterectomy Trauma
It was April 2007, I remember seeing my gynecologist for the second time that year and receiving the same painful test, revealing
MoreHysterectomy Experiences: Chronic Fatigue
A few years ago, I began writing for Hormones Matter about the gross overuse and adverse effects of hysterectomy and oophorectomy. Year
MoreIn my work with The Endometriosis Network Canada, I have heard many women say that their doctors told them that if their pain
MoreIn a previous article, I wrote about how, as a DES daughter, I felt I had a distinct advantage of gaining my
MoreHysterectomy: Greed and Ignorance Reign
Hysterectomies and C-sections are two of the most overused surgeries. One in three women has a hysterectomy by age 60 and about