Circling the blogosphere, on every health media site, new research finds an association between body weight and endometriosis. Woohoo! We can all
MoreA lot of us think of “informed consent” as just a form the doctor’s office has us sign. The forms are usually
MoreOver half a million hysterectomies are performed each year in the United States. Approximately 60% – 74% of those hysterectomies include removal
MoreSomething’s hinky in the land of Gardasil surveillance and it’s not just the vaccine. It’s the statistics used in one of their
More“We are buried beneath the weight of information, which is being confused with knowledge; quantity is being confused with abundance and wealth
MoreAs if battling the stigma that surrounds migraine and headache disorders isn’t difficult enough, we can thank Excedrin for continuing it. Excedrin
MoreBees, Birth Control and Bayer
Cool things happen in the world of social networking and hyper-connectivity – previously disparate movements become connected and cross-pollinated. My post: Look
MoreFair warning, this may get ugly. I’m mad. Bayer just announced the next in a long line of dangerous hormonal birth control