HPV vaccines have been promoted to the public as a ‘vaccine to prevent cervical cancer’ (a non-infectious disease) yet these vaccines have
MoreThe over-the-counter (OTC) medications acetaminophen (Tylenol) and ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin) are used by millions of people every day, for common conditions such
MoreWhen you read about what women did in ancient Greece and Rome to ward off unwanted pregnancies, you’re tempted to do a
MoreWhat does it feel like to be female?Why is discussion of female biology so controversial?How does “biology is not destiny” thinking and
MoreThe article you are about to read is neither an look at the morality of abortion nor a defense for women’s rights. It is
MorePlease Folks – Migraine Is NOT A Headache
We continually make strides in migraine disease and headache disorders education but we still have much work to do. As we succeed
MoreHorrific side effects that are generally unrecognized by medical practitioners, that’s what these medications have in common. Gardasil Week just ended on
MoreMany Americans with chronic pain conditions may not realize that their access to narcotic pain medication, which is already difficult and mired