On this day, 54 percent of Americans will celebrate with their loved ones this year, at least with their pocketbooks. According to
MoreEndometriosis is often a very misunderstood, and under diagnosed disease affecting a significant population of women. It is typically classified as a
MoreThe Pharma Funded Promotion of HPV Vaccines
Promotional campaigns for HPV vaccines have informed women that infections from HPV-16 and -18 are the cause of most cervical cancer. However,
MoreScience versus Sciencism
For weeks I have attempted to write a grand and eloquent article about the nature of science and scientific discovery. To say
MorePerhaps you’ve seen the case of Erick and Marlise Munoz, who reside in Tarrant County, Texas. Marlise is comatose due to a
MoreHow I Lost my Faith in Scientists
On December 21, 2013, The Huffington Post published an article entitled “Americans Have Little Faith in Scientists, Science Journalists: Poll.” The article
MoreSometimes the holiday season causes us to feel more reflective than usual. As I was on my way home from my work
MoreI am in constant touch with the mother of the Gardasil treated daughter whose personal research suggested that her daughter had beriberi