LEEP Side Effects

Unspoken Dangers of LEEP Procedures


Dyscariosis and the Threat of Cervical Cancer

I was 33. I was in love, although more realistically heartbroken and pining.  This wasn’t unusual for me, I was never very good at choosing a partner, I was fiery and volatile in my lifestyle, and had gone through a series of painful and passionate relationships in my late 20s and early thirties. My addiction to love was always to my detriment. When I fell, I fell hard, and always with the wrong ones. But yet somehow despite the pain, in this wild messy state, I thrived. It drove me forward. It was part of me. I was addicted to life and love.

I saw myself growing old, laughing. I loved to dance, to flirt, to draw and create characters in my mind and in my work. I used to cry, laugh and make jokes. I was employed in a creative job and was passionate and truly alive.

In August 2010, after a routine cervical smear. I was informed that I had a small cellular change in my cervix, known as mild dyscariosis, threatening cancer if left untreated. I was told that I would have to undergo a minor procedure to remove these cells.  The procedure was called a Loop Electrosurgical Excision Procedure, or LEEP. It is also known as LETZ in the US, and is similar to a Cone Biopsy.

No Nerve Endings in the Cervix?

I was slightly worried, but reassured by my doctor that there was nothing to even consider as a side effect with the LEEP procedure. There was no risk at all, she said, as (which you may also have been told), there are apparently ‘NO’ nerve endings in the cervix.

I was surprised and dubious at this statement, having not only experienced pretty much all my pleasure and emotional pain from precisely that region, but also been used to very intense cervical contractions, both though orgasm, and the dull aches of menstruation.

I went online, and even more surprising found nothing to explain this part of the body neurologically, at all.

Nervously I agreed to the procedure and endured it without complaint.

Post LEEP Nerve Damage

On returning home however, things soon began to feel very different. After a few days, possibly a week, I was suddenly struck with a dark, eerie hollow emptiness. I knew I had been cut into, and was therefore injured, and so put it down the possible fragility of healing. But it wasn’t long before I shared my first sexual contact, and then things then became very real.

Where once there had been a rush of blood and sensation, there was nothing. No electricity, warmth or change in my body.  I was even more shocked, however when the orgasm I was expecting, had virtually vanished into thin air. Like the muscle had literally been cut out of my body. I felt hollow inside.

As the horror set in silently, as I suddenly faced the realization that this wasn’t just a fragility, or a healing problem, something I could run away from and escape. This was very serious. A deep and disturbing deadness inside, that as I explored further seemed to become emptier and more upsetting.

I tried to fantasize, to escape. I asked myself, who I could bring to mind for comfort. Something that would previously always entertain and distract me from a discomforting moment of loneliness or boredom, and would easily generate a feeling of hope and love and a rush of desire. But nothing happened.

Damage to Those Nerves Affects Everything

A black hole had appeared in my mind, shrouding the imagery I craved, my past memories and lovers, had vanished and lost all meaning. I literally wasn’t able to visualize or feel. I went to bed, and the room suddenly felt more real, solitary and isolating than it had ever done before. Even loneliness, and the painful ache for another had completely gone.

It felt that in my womb, something had been cut. As though a strong elastic band that held me together in my middle, that resonated and warmed me, and joined my mind and body with the sparks and excitement of life, had been severed.

My creativity soon also turned to a dismissal grey around me, I could see it, but wasn’t able to respond. I couldn’t feel expressions, connections, vibrations or meanings.  As if life itself became fake and tacky, like I was watching a play or performance. I was looking at the actors but could see the ropes being pulled backstage, just waiting for the end of the show. My world had lost its meaning and its colour.

As I seemed no different on the outside, I managed to I hide this for a while at work, but my job was creative, and I knew it would not be long before I would have to leave. Previously I had always felt like I was waiting for my big moment, the next big thing, anticipation that one day my magical hidden talents would be discovered, that I had something amazing to give the world. But now all that was gone. I felt tired, old, and like my cells couldn’t grow or re-generate.

Post – LEEP Side Effects Ignored

I returned to my doctor straight away. But was told to wait. After six months I returned again and persuaded them I wanted a gynecology referral. This however also did not provide any explanation or acknowledgement of the changes in sexual or sensory function I had complained about.

This became the beginning of the nightmare cycle of denial, rejection, and disbelief, which made me realize there was something very wrong in the system that needed addressing.

I went back, time after time, in the hope that there might be some kind of seed of understanding or explanation or support, but I was left searching on my own for many years that pushed me into a deep despair.

I felt like it was neither accepted, talked about, nor considered a medical issue. There was no interest or understanding.

A Culture of Silence in Women’s Sexual Health

There is a culture of silence about women’s sexual health that has shocked me. There are many I have spoken to who have found it so hard to understand why any of this matters, or are too embarrassed, or think that this it is just about the act of having sex, but it isn’t.

The womb, and the vagina-brain connection is a sensory organ, a barometer for so many of our emotions and sensations. From fear, to passion, love, excitement, trust, feeling, hearing music, and of course drive, attraction and sex. If it is damaged, the effects span throughout your whole life and can affect your entire sense of perception.

My Symptoms Are Not Unique

I eventually discovered that the symptoms I was experiencing were not unique to me, and were not, as I had begun to accept, a form of madness that needed desperately to be concealed.

They were not only real, but well documented, and not uncommon in women who have undergone total hysterectomy. The removal of not only the womb but the cervix as well.

Although no doctor had at any stage revealed this to me.

I chilled further when I learned that practitioners now commonly avoid the cervix in order to preserve a woman’s health, sanity, and sexuality.

It seemed unbelievable that they could they be still cutting away at it, seemingly at random in other operations. Young women. Potentially being completely shut down. Without any warning of the statistics, or what is at stake.

How was it they were not making the obvious connection and trying to keep us safe and intact too?

Since this happened, the shame of having lost that sacred sense of feminine, seemed to lurk around every social interaction.

I could no longer get excited about the prospect of a social event, in my neutered state I was no longer a player in the game, or felt of value to anyone.

I felt unarmed, vulnerable and an outsider.

I could no longer command, or desire attention through that unspoken physical energy. An instinctive movement of my hips, or a raised head or glance through a crowd was a lost language. Direct eye contact confused me. I no longer could read or translate these bodies.

Having always known instinctively, and successfully, how to use my body to communicate and to express and perform, meant I now had become terrified of bumping into old friends or having to explain anything.

I felt like I had been hit round the head and had forgotten who I was. For a long time the shame of this affected my entire existence. Something that I have learned every day to try and fight with all the strength I have.

Recovery Post LEEP

At times I think I am getting better, tolerating my body in a new way, and thinking that I have created this whole thing in my mind. But then at other times I am floored again upon realizing it is real.

I am not sure of the facts about neurological re-growth or brain plasticity to heal. But I know this is a good start for a positive outlook. Or perhaps just after such a long time the hope that I will eventually just get used to living in a different mind and body. Learning new ways to live, feel, and accept what I have.

We Are Not Alone

It was such a relief to learn I was not alone out there. I finally found others, and medical practitioners who were also as passionate about this subject as me.

I found within some medical papers online, the names of neurologists specializing in the field of sexual health, and in my search I soon became a point of contact for their work.

This has become the beginning of the collaborative effort to bring this out of the shadows, and into a period of new research, progress and change.

The science behind this could take many years, however this collaboration is making steps that could protect many women from surgical damage in the future.

The threat of cervical cancer is something that must not ever be ignored. We all need to know the facts, but there are less invasive treatments. We need to be given a choice and made aware of the risks.

I have decided to write about my experience in the hope that, whatever the true neurological explanation, our experiences as women will eventually be taken seriously by the medical industry.

We need more women to support us, and we want to help bring this from online to the real world where these issues can be addressed.

More Information about LEEP Side Effects

For more information about problems with LEEP, Cone Biopsy, TVT/Transvaginal Mesh, Labiaplasty or a similar vaginal or pelvic surgery, I found the physicians and researchers at San Diego Sexual Medicine to be very helpful, in particular Dr. Irwin Goldstein.

Web and Reading Resources that Provided Solace and Support

Hormones Matter

HERS Foundation


Vagina, by Naomi Wolf

The Science of Orgasm, by Barry R Komisaruk, Carlos Beyer-Flores, Beverley Whipple

The Brain that Changes Itself, by Norman Doidge

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  1. I was only 20 when I was advised I needed a loop cone biopsy because of some abnormal cell changes. I was unfortunately too young and naive to know that I could say no and was not properly advised of the many possible side effects. I remember having serious vaginal spasms for weeks after the surgery where the walls were so tight I could not even insert a tampon due to the trauma of my surgery. I believe the extreme surgery of removing a large part of a women’s cervix to test for cancer is barbaric (the removed section was found to be not cancerous) and I believe it has had caused many long-term detrimental side effects; including loss of libido, emotional issues, ability to get pregnant, fibroid problems, lower pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, heavier periods with clotting, constipation due to the bowel pushing into the weakened vaginal wall muscles and prolapse due to a large part of my cervix being taken. I am obviously extremely angry that this misogynist practice goes on still and would not advise women to go ahead with it. I wish I had read other people’s testimonials before my so called ‘minor procedure’ over 30 years ago!

  2. Wow! THANK YOU!! I am not alone!! I had a leep done less then 2 years ago. My body has never been the same sense! I feel that my sexual drive has decreased dramatically! But wondered if it was just part of my aging( just turned 38) or the fact that I’m single and am not really sexually involved. I’ve had sex and orgasims. But it certainly seemed different! I also “leak” a little now. Sometimes just at random. Something I’ve NEVER had a problem with and always kind of took pride in being able to do any activity without leaking, or holding it for long car rides. That leaking also seems uncontrollable during sex. Very embarrassing!! Something else different and strange sense my procedure is spotting brown for several days before my period! And then having very abnormal periods. I’ve always had easy consistent periods my whole life. What can or should I do!? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help this awareness too please! I am so grateful I stumbled upon this article! Thank you. Jess

    • I was only 20 when I was advised I needed a loop cone biopsy because of some ‘abnormal cell changes’. I was unfortunately too young and naive to know that I could say no and was not properly advised of the many possible side effects. I remember having painful vaginal spasms for weeks after the surgery where the walls were so tight I could not even insert a finger due to the trauma of my surgery. I believe the extreme surgery of removing quite substantially large part of a women’s cervix just to test for cancer is barbaric (the removed section was found to be non cancerous) and I believe it has had caused many long-term, detrimental side effects; including loss of libido, emotional issues, ability to get pregnant, fibroid problems, lower pelvic pain, abdominal bloating, heavy periods with clotting, constipation due to the bowel pushing into weakened vaginal wall muscles and prolapse due to such a large part of my cervical muscles and nerves being taken. I am obviously extremely angry that this misogynist practice goes on still and would not advise any women to go ahead with it. I wish I had had the opportunity to read other people’s testimonials before my so called ‘minor procedure’ over 30 years ago!

    • It’s been 5 years since my LEEP and ever since I’ve also spotted before my period. My period is normal otherwise, very regular. I talked to the LEEP clinic and they said it wasn’t related. I had ultrasounds and tested my hormones and everything is normal. I still suspect the leep.

  3. Thank you all so much for your postings. I had a cervical loop procedure in 1992. My doctor gave me very little information about the procedure but then showed me what appeared to be a half inch of my cervix in a jar. Thirty years later I am still grieving the losses you mention above. Nothing ever felt the same again. I am hopeful, even at 65, that there may be hope. I have tried PRP regeneration which is typically done to the vagina but not the cervix. I wonder if stem cells are an option to regrow your cervix? Especially for child bearing women who could use umbilical blood from their own bodies. If anyone has heard of this, please post.

  4. I’m just finding this, and what a relief – I’ve been carrying this alone for 12 years. My normal gynecologist referred me to someone who specialized in LEEP for a “consultation”….he (and I never see male obgyns for fear of things like this being more likely to happen) immediately wheeled me in for the procedure without discussing aNything with me and certainly not other options. He then did not remove the paraguard IUD I had in at the time, and the LEEP wire ended up making contact with the copper, shocking me from the inside. I came out of that experienced numbed in so many ways. Now, over a decade later and after becoming a somatic psychotherapist who specializes in trauma, the memories are resurfacing and I’m realizing that I have been walking around traumatized by this doctor and procedure, like in a chronic dissociative or frozen state. I was also a very sexually healthy young woman, a dancer, full of life. After that procedure I couldn’t hear my intuition about people in the same way -I entered into an abusive relationship and was essentially very depressed for years. I also was diagnosed with stage III dysplasia – going from zero to stage III in 6 months, which my doctor said usually takes thirty years or more to happen – after donating my eggs, which I injected myself with massive amounts of hormones for for 90 days. I have no doubt that the hormones led to precancerous cells, and I’m sure that birth control does the same.

    Thank you all for sharing your stories here, and for creating a space for me to share mine. I want to find ways to organize (I’m in the US, in CA) against medical violence towards women.

  5. This happened to me! Ten years ago. It took me like 5 years to learn how to have an orgasm again. My body knew it the minuit I was put in that chair that it was the wrong thing to do. I cried the whole time. It didnt even help. It healed spontaniously 1-2 years later. I’ve cried so many times in bed not beeing able to feel anything, feeling dead… No one mentioned anything about it, any risks..

  6. Low B12 can cause cervical dysplasia according to book ‘Could it be B12’
    It makes me sick how we are scared into freezing cells for dysplasia, d&c after miscarriage, and hysterectomy for fibroids etc from hormonal imbalances probably caused by birth control that could have been resolved non surgically. And I’m not squishing and radiating anything else again period.

  7. Thank you for posting this! I got the LEEP procedure done in August 2019, and I haven’t been the same since. I have high anxiety levels, and I feel like something is always constantly wrong with me. Before the procedure, I had no worries. I’ve also lost my sex drive, and it is painful now to even have intercourse. I went to my doctor to ask if this was normal, and she said it wasn’t and wanted to do an exam. Everything was normal. I’ve also been having weird cramping down there every once in awhile. I have no clue if it’s normal. I wish I would have known everything and researched this more before having the procedure. They don’t tell you about the side effects!

  8. I had my LEEP done in 2015 and my very healthy sex drive still has not returned. I also had cervical shortening issues during my pregnancy. I wish I never got this rotten procedure done. It’s ruined me!

    • I have had LEEP procedure TWICE! On the positive, I did carry an additional pregnancy to term. My cervix was having a very tough time ripening and effacing. I also took a sharp decline in my sex drive. It hasn’t returned. I notice sex is and has been different. Not as enjoyable. I didn’t correlate the two (LEEP and sexual function) until I read articles and recognized other women’s experiences were similar to my own. I am ecstatic to feel like I may have an answer to my why.

  9. Hi Catherine, Thankyou for reaching out. I hope this reply finds its way to you. Im glad you are in the fb group. and yes I agree,… we (the more seriously injured) are all frustrated and angry about the lack of ‘solution’. There doesn’t seem to be one. The pain and neutering of women is very real. The medical protocol is a conveyor-belt, ( ‘cell change panic/fear mongering’ ) which is so quick to firstly cut and burn us deep inside ,.. then just dismiss us after as making it up or saying our symptoms must have come from ‘a fear or cancer’.. or …’fear of sex’ . ??? rather than from the surgery!!…. Its stupid and very sad. The fb page is a lifesaver for a lot of us to open up, share information and learn about other women’s symptoms.

    Some women (probably the less injured ones) have had some success on a couple of more holistic approaches that are discussed on there…But personally I agree with you, that a lot of this feels futile. I know my body too, and can feel very clearly the extent of what has been taken from me inside. I also have been in this situation for a very long time and silly comments like ‘just try thinking positive’ or buy ‘various crystals’/ or breathing exersises just doesn’t cut it for serious nerve damage.

    Although I recommend you try and engage with some of it! …as some women definately do respond well!.. but Ive no idea why or if its to do with different levels or types or injury. XX

    Women are put in this ‘all in the mind’ or ‘wellness’ category often, and it fees like being blamed all over again as somehow its your fault for not getting better, or to just buy into the ‘spiritual goddess thing…., or the worst one… that women need to just relax!, which is also a sexist and passive claim..
    What about the women who were once sexually free, assertive and powerful??. you would never treat any other nerve injury patient who loses a body function like its ‘all in the head’
    Its hard work and rehabilitation. But worse and not always possible when you are talking about internal organs that can no longer engage.

    Kate, who’s created and put so much into this page has written a book on her experiences and is trying to get it crowdfunded.. (which is the book you saw)… She isn’t making money from this though!… and is just trying to raise money to just get a batch published so we can start to engage doctors and warn other women. Please don’t be put of by that!

    Its not fair, but its a start to raise awareness and accumulate our numbers openly, and is better than having no one! and being referred around doctors who just are in complete and utter denial and can make you think you are losing your mind.

    I am 9 years in. There are so many levels to this, different skin areas outside and inside, different muscle groups, functions and sensations affected. I have improved fractionally (after a lot of work with a pelvic osteopath (…which has been a lifesaver for me so I highly recommend this!!..) ,but I still live with ongoing sense of inner discomfort and feel i’ve been made sexually impotent and unable to feel or release those powerful feelings that were once were a daily reality.. It has been very hard to survive this. So I understand entirely your suffering. Email me seperately if you need. Sending lots of love xxx

    • Hello, I stubled across this article while looking for some more information to comfort me before my upcoming LEEP procedure…I am very fortunate to have found this article and was wondering if you could tell me what the FB group is called I would like to be a part of this group please?! Needless to say, I am not looking forward to this procedure and do not want to have it done anymore! I guess I just dont know what my next steps would be and what the implications (other than having unhealthy tissue) would be.

      • Hi!! I’m so sorry for my absence in responses ..
        FACEBOOK GROUP is:

        Healing from leep/letz ..

        I’ll try to make more replies today xxx

  10. This petition has been made recently to get our voices heard. Please if you are UK based and have struggled with this, can you sign and share and help send this message that our sexual and female bodies need to be respected and not cut and destroyed. Research should have been engaged prior to using this device on our bodies. It only takes a minute to sign.


  11. I am sorry you are suffering the effects of a LEEP that may not have even been necessary. I too was taken advantage of by my gynecologist (unwarranted hysterectomy and castration). I have written a number of articles on this subject – https://www.hormonesmatter.com/author/ws/.

    It is sickening how many women are intentionally harmed by gynecologists via procedures that are oftentimes unnecessary, all for the almighty $ – LEEP’s, colposcopies, tubals (Essure and other methods), hysterectomies (uterus removal), oophorectomies (ovary removal / castration), salpingectomies (tube removal), C-sections. It is almost incomprehensible that about 45% of women end up having a hysterectomy! Only about 10% are necessary. The medical literature has shown for over a century that we need all our organs for good health. But gynecologists just “thumb their noses” at the evidence and continue doing them at alarming rates. And they just increased the Graduate Medical Education hysterectomy minimum from 70 to 85 so they are gearing up for doing even more hysterectomies!

    It is imperative that those of us who have undergone these harmful procedures speak out and try to stop the overuse and harm. Thanks for sharing your experience!

  12. I havent read all the comments here but ive read some, ive tried to post and forgive me if it did post and im posting again unknowingly….i had my leep procedure Sept 7th, at the same time i had my “disappeared” mirena removed. AF was supposed to have started a couple days before the procedure but didnt, i assumed she showed afterwards as i bled for several days (9) with some clotting, the first of which was HUGE (like the size of a half dollar) and at my follow up they treated it as normal so i didnt think much else of it, not really anyway, but she hasn’t showed since. We were trying for #3, which is why i was having the mirena removed, when my “severe dysplasia” was found, they had to cut from 3 diff sites on the outside of my cervix, before all of this, I was very sexually healthy, now i wouldnt consider myself as sexually healthy as I could care less if I had sex or not, preferring the not, I ‘ve been super depressed, mainly because i feel like im going into pre-menopause, and that my chance for #3 has been taken from me, I am extremely moody, very irritable and snappy, or I’m crying, I stay hot, it’ll be 68 degrees outside, and inside and I’ll have a tank on with shorts sweating bullets. I get severe cramps around the time I’m supposed to have had my monthly visit, and well, I just don’t know what to do now, I need answers and have no one to talk this all out with.

  13. I haven’t had a chance to read all the comments, though I’ve read quite a few. I had my procedure done last Sept 7th. AF was due at the time and I assumed she showed since I bled for several days (9) after my procedure, she hasn’t shown since. I also passed several clots one which was HUGE (like a half dollar) which during my follow up , was treated as it was normal. Before the procedure, I was having my mirena removed so that we could try for #3, well mirena could not be found and had to be finally removed with my procedure. Before all this, my sexual appetite…well was insatiable, now, it’s non existent, idek how were going to try for #3 once AF does show, if she does, I’m not even sure that she will. I’m super depressed, mainly thinking I’m going into pre-menopause, and that my chance for #3 has been taken from me, I am extremely moody, mostly very irritable and snappy, or I’m crying, I stay hot, it’ll be 68 degrees outside, and inside and I’ll have a tank on with shorts sweating bullets. I get severe cramps around the time I’m supposed to have had my monthly visit, and well, I just don’t know what to do now, I need answers and have no one to talk this all out with.

    • Did you get this sorted? I’m terrified about cervical stenosis after my procedure 6 weeks ago. I’m having hot flushes, which are not normal for me. It sounds like what you describe and just wondered if you got seen by any more doctors.

  14. Hi all,
    My pap smear results have shown the presence of HPV for the past 3 years, and I have had 2 colposcopies. The first showed only minor dysplasia, but the most recent showed moderate to severe abnormal cells. My doctor would like for me to get a LEEP procedure, but after reading the stories from everyone here, I am pretty anxious/terrified. She assured me that there are no hormonal effects and only about 10% of her patients in the last 30 years have reported discomfort with sex (of course, it could very well be that they are staying silent). I don’t really like my options here…have this procedure which will pretty much eliminate my risk of cervical cancer (for the time being, anyhow) but also may greatly impact my sexual health; or wait to see if the dysplasia grows or regresses, with the fear of cancer in the back of my mind. I am 34, single, no kids yet, and live a very healthy lifestyle. I don’t want this procedure to impact the rest of my life. Has anyone had issues with pregnancy after having this procedure, either difficulty getting pregnant or delivering pre-term?
    Thanks for your support here,

    • hi Kristina,

      yes.. I lost my pregnancy at three months. They wont ever admit the real cost of this surgery and will just cover themselves saying…. 1 in three pregnancies end early etc. But I know this has messed everything up, it would be a joke if it wasn’t so devastating. They only say ‘pre term.. as in..’premature but can survive’ to cover themselves, They don’t mention the misscarriages that are too young to survive.
      I have been working with a pelvic osteopath this year who has helped me regain some sensation and movement in some of my pelvic muscles. This completely paralised me down there for all this time without me even really realising as I couldnt feel. I would encourage anyone reading this going through what i have to find a very good specialist pelvic osteopath. They have so much more knowledge and discuss the actual ligaments blood flow and nerves (which no gynaecologist or doctor ever will..
      (also perhaps for pre treatment.. mine works with blood flow and other issues which may be causing displasia in the first place?)
      Also.. when your doctor says ‘only’ 10% of patients in last 30 years?… thats HUGE. A drug on the market at 1% dangerous side effects would be considered too high risk to roll out.
      think about this.. if 1000 women a week in the uk have LEEP , then 10% of those women, over 30 years are in pain, losing orgasm and the sexual nerves and pregnancies??… thats a vast number of lives being ruined. And if its not medically acceptable or viable? , then it falls exactly into the category of fgm.
      Your doctor needs to read this and check her thinking.
      Its all about immunity. All new cancer work focusses on immunity.. health. gut heath.. (cut out toxins, hormones, animal products as much as possible, packaged foods..tampons/chemicle/bleached mass produced liners, (not something that should be next to skin!!..)
      I wish you a fast healing and happy life. You sound healthy and young and right to question your options.

    • A few years after LEEP – I had 1 baby to term, then lost a baby at 12 weeks, had a preemie at 27 weeks (went into labor at 26, they tried to stop it but were only successful for 1 week), and lost another at 22 weeks. Currently 14 weeks pregnant and looking for alternatives to a cerclage because of “incompetent cervix.” Not sure the LEEP procedure and my pregnancy issues are related, but there is a good possibility of that.

  15. so… In your case.. they didnt hit the nerves!.. Well done! and thats lucky for you! Did they tell you the Pelvic Plexus (thats the essential ball of nerves (equivalent to the solar plexus, and heart plexus), is wrapped around and behind the cervix?..so therefore the complex hypogastric, vegas and pelvic nerve intermingled deeply into the tissue.
    See Brian Robinson 1907 “the pelvic Brain’ as a resource. there are also 100s of neurology papers on this.
    These nerves have actually been known about for centuries! ..but our medical system (lobby) simply don’t talk about this.. Coincidence??… The cervical displasia ‘business’.. or ‘market’.. is booming and worth something like 7 billion with EFFORTS TO INCREASE IT TO 20B BY 2020. Nice.
    The removal of that ‘big piece of tissue’.. (the entrance to your womb) makes them A LOT of money. And actually there isn’t even any concrete evidence the fosil cells left after hpv are even connected to cancer. Convenient.
    Have you thought how they could even actually identify which women go onto develop cancer after leep?? …bearing in mind, age, tampon/chemicle use, meat and dairy consumption?? its actually impossible. There is also data that says you are 7 times more likely to get recurrence post treatment. So beware these stats as they are controversial at best.
    ..But sounds like you might be working somewhere among this already??) ..otherwise how come you are even spending time on this page??. HMm.. for sure I wouldn’t be if I had no side effects!! Im afraid you are undermining the 1000s of women who’s lives have been ruined by genital cutting by merriliy counting your own blessings on a page for a very serious issue. ‘Cookies’ don’t cut it in real terms as women only have one body one womb. Good luck to you. X

  16. Yes it is genital mutilation, completely a lie when you watch YouTube videos of a woman’s healthy cervixes being sliced into and a creep doctor cutting an immense amount of sexual tissue from the sensual cervix, you can see it is medical lies, bullying and likely religious abuse just as they do to baby boys and circumcision. You wouldn’t cut a cone shape or completely slice a man’s glans off his dick, so ladies; stop letting them damage your sexual ability and bullying you into LEEPs, cone biopsies, and Lletz procedures kr cryotherapy. None of it cures anything except you cannot have comfortable sex unless they correct it and reopen your cervix normally and even then can never fully reverse what is done to your sensitive and delicate cervix. You wouldn’t slice out a piece of your face or nosenif you had a few blisters or sores. You would eat healthy, exercise and get daily sunshine to heal yourself & baby a wound if you had one. Do not let someone bully this procedure done to your body. I have seen women’s cervixes being cut that are completely healthy looking! You can even find YouTube videos of this! They don’t have some cancer. It is religious abuse for them either enjoying sex without marriage & honestly the dating pool sucks so I wish more women would consider self fertilization which is possible my moon dancing, vibratory means to bring the egg down and cause its splitting (that is what the sperm does, causes vibrations to get the egg to split) or doing donor options to have children bc men are often jealous and vindictive. My exes mother bullied this done to me and the same exact dysfunction and harm was realized and she played stupid after bullying it done to me. It was bc she didn’t want us having more kids together. I can raise kids happily on my own. I don’t need around any of her vindictiveness. Women be very careful and choosy if you do select a partner. Trust me!!!!!

  17. Hello, I’m a little surprised by these comments. I had a LEEP done last week with 8 mm deep and almost the entire width of my cervix taken out. I was put under local anesthesia and went right back to work after the procedure. There was bleeding the day of and mild cramping, nothing an Advil couldn’t fix. I haven’t had any complications.

    In regard to lack of sexual satisfaction I actually find I am able to organism more easily, and crave sex with my husband more than before.

    I believe in some cases, not all because every body/healing process is different, it is a mental block. For me, feeling like I had an icky part of me finally removed and allowed for healthy, thriving skin to replace it made ME feel sexy and healthy again.

    My doctor explained this procedure technically isn’t any different than having your outside skin removed in the case if melanoma. It doesn’t make you less of a person, and the skin will grow back healthy.

    I am so happy that I received a LEEP after 4 years of stress and anxiety after every abnormal pap result. I feel like I can finally move on with my life, rather than dreading my yearly abnormal diagnosis followed by anxiety attacks.

    What frustrates me about this, is the Pap smears and LEEP procedure in necessary cases has decreased deaths by cervical cancer up to 80% (that’s a big number!) and although the process for women’s health DEFINITELY has a long way to go, we are extremely lucky to have these procedures at our disposal.

    I have seen the difference women’s health is viewed in other countries vs America, and I think the way society has taught us to view women’s health in America has a massive impact on our psychological wellness after these kinds of procedures. We are taught our nether regions are dirty and not to be talked about. My husband is from South America and he and his family has been a huge support for me in regard to my gynecological health. Many of the things i would freak out about are common and seen as “not a big deal” where they are from. These health concerns are talked about openly, and both men and women are very aware of what women’s health entails.

    Again, I know every person is different. But I hope to give some of you relief in knowing that more often then not these procedures are here to help, not hurt us. And SO MANY other women go through these same things and it is completely normal.

    • And please excuse the many, many typos. This was written on my phone which wasn’t cooperating apparently.

      Hopefully you all get the idea.

    • After reading your experiment it …Sounds like your experience is rare! I wish there would be a documented follow up procedure so women who are scheduled for the LEEP can read real results.

    • I’m also surprised to read all these comments. I had my LEEP on the 12th of this month so less than a week ago. They used local anaesthetic, so just a pinch of the needle on my cervix. They took quite a large area since I had 3 spots of cellular dysplasia months ago when I had the biopsy. Besides the discomfort of the speculum as he moved it around to get everything I didn’t feel a thing. I watched him put a big piece of tissue in a specimen jar to be sent off for more tests then he slathered my cervix with liquid bandaid. I got juice and cookies then the nurse spoke with me a 3rd time to give me aftercare instructions.

      I slept a lot the first day and since then I’ve only had occasional mild discomfort with plenty of discharge, all according to what the doctor and nurse said, there have been no surprises.

      I honestly think the issues detailed here are more because of a lack of diligence on the part of doctors or hospitals than the procedure itself. Or even just a lack of empathy, I received multiple pamphlets about how the procedure works, 2 different nurses plus the doctor told me what the dysplasia meant (precancerous, etc) and how LEEP makes the percent chance of recurrence of the same dysplasia drop to almost nothing which in turn means the chance of cancer in the next 30 years will be next to nothing.

      That’s what he told me, by the way, statistics show that when left untreated most women will develop cancer in the next 30 years.

      In my case I was treated with respect, the procedure was treated as routine and everything is healing nicely. I’m actually expecting to have better sex with my husband after the month of healing is over.

    • Ok, so you had a good experience. This article wasn’t written for you. Most people are here because they’ve had the procedure done and they’ve been traumatized somehow. Telling traumatized women that the doctor didn’t mean to hurt them and that they’re lucky to have had the procedure isn’t helpful. I’m struggling to get pregnant because now my genitals have been damaged and I was reassured it would have no effect on my fertility. How lucky.

  18. I didnt go through with my lletz treatment and after three years I am still symptom free with no cervical cancer and no issues from my cervix. They told me three years ago that I had stage three hpv high risk cancer cells etc etc.. I do have ulcerative colitis which I do partly contribute to the stress caused by the bullying element from the doctors and family to get it done. I didn’t go through with it as my intuition just screamed and screamed at me and said a big fat NO!!

  19. I had a LEEP procedure done 2 months ago and have been having severe anxiety and depression. Im able to think clearly. I know the doom in my head is just that…in my head but something happened after that procedure. I asked my dr if there were hormone risks and she said no. She isnt acknowledging that this procedure can do anything hormones at all. This started soon afterward and has not let up since. What do i do???

    • Hi Siera,
      Im sorry you are going through this awful trauma too.

      This whole process of speaking out is still in its early stages, ..There is still no official help or way of getting the support we need.
      Yes it can affect hormones, they just dont know how! So they deny it and say ‘there is no evidence for it..’ and that to them is the end of conversation.
      There are women who have never have another period after leep, ..and it doesnt afftect hormones?? cutting our female sexual organs is wrong and your doctor is wrong.

      They are still fighting the right to this on the basis it ‘saves lives’. .but there is no mention of the 1000s of womens lives that have been neutred and absolutely ruined.

      I am glad you have had the courage of reaching out.

      The vegas nerve (supposedly the flight or fright network) is one of the three major nerves that runs through the cervix, The others are the pelvic and the hypogastric. They do different jobs, for hormonal, emotional and sexual survival, but doctors have covered up and swept away the relevent research) and have blocked this important piece of information so they dont have to deal with surgical liabilty.

      Unfortunately until a womans body is valued and understood sexually, and we stop living in the medical dark ages, doctors will never listen to these tragic stories.
      Its our voices against a very big system.

      I think it might help you to join the private facebook group: healing from leep/lletz

      There are many women there going through many symptoms, ranging from depression/isolation, pelvic pain, but also some with sexual loss at varying levels as well.

      I hope you will find ways to start to heal from talking to others. Some women do get better, and the brain wants you to be better and is working to find new neural pathways all the time.

      Im so sorry this has happened to you.


      • Asha, thanks for your post. I had the same thing!

        I had the LEEP.
        Healthy period, one month after LEEP, Period stopped.
        Sex that was always easy and enjoyable, once month after LEEP, painful and impossible.

        Now 2 years later, no better. No Dr believe it came from LEEP. it ABSOLUTELY 100% was because of the LEEP. Whether it was necessary or not, I will never know.

        What I do know, is I lost my period, gained 10 lbs and can’t have sex anymore, at least up until now. I joined the LEEPz group, there are people selling books in there, but what is the REAL solution??? and no solution really. though a good group to share sorrows with, which is helpful.

        Is there any HELP or HOPE out there for this? A way to heal this and not have painful sex anymore? It’s not mental, its real. anyone? Help? what to do?

    • Same here!!! Wish I had an answer panic attacks days after for no reason and unstoppable crying didn’t make sense! Im so angry and hurt over this!

  20. I just found this and I’m sad to say, I just had Leep done last week. I haven’t had time to look through all of the comments yet, but I would like to know if anyone has had something left inside of them after having this done? My doctor told me it needed to be outpatient surgery, I went under local anesthesia and was told everything was fine after waking up. It took me days to recover (I don’t do well with anesthesia)! 4 days after my LEEP I discovered something abnormal while showering. I pulled what looked to be gauze out of my vagina (sorry for the detail), but to my dismay, I believe it was the lining they removed from my cervix. I’m still trying to get a hold of my Dr. (With no response yet), as I started bleeding last night (6 days post surgery). I was not informed anything like this would happen. And after reading your stories, I am also worried about what I may face in the future.

    • I had something like that happen after they took a few biopsies. Was it like wet paper almost? If so, lots of women actually have that reaction to a solution they use in there. My doctor didn’t even know of it, and he’s good. I had to send him forums where women were explaining the experience.

  21. Another life ruined by gynaecologists.. These surgical abuses against women needs to be exposed to the world.

  22. hey,after reading all this comments it has me worried especially with ur last comment i had my leep today but when i had got the called from the dr. i clearly asked her so i have cancer she said no we r just removing a piece of tissue im like fine i was more calm but today that i walked in shes like hi ur here for ur leep im like whats that she said for ur pre cancer u have i was in shocked after a min i told her the dr. never said that anyhow they did the surgery let me go home didnt tell me what medications i can take what i can do or dont what can happen after .my point is no information on nothing n now reading the experience of all this womens now i know what i got myself into i wish theyre was some type of help regarding this

    • HI Cindy,
      Yes I wish there had been help too xx

      The things I would suggest in terms of aftercare.. do not try test your sexual function..AT ALL. I mean in any way even on your own. It is a muscle, and although I dont know for sure, I would suggest it could be bad to try anything that could engage the orgasm reflex for at least 6 weeks.

      Also don’t use tampons and bath carefully, showers are better. (they must have told you that though.)

      But most importantly don’t panic. We are here on this page after serious long term issues. The majority of women get away without nerve damage or other issues, so statistically, you are most likely to be fine.

      Please get back in touch if you have any worries and need to voice anything but for now I wish you all the best for a speedy recovery XXX

  23. Hi there! I would like to connect privately also. I had the LEEP procedure done in the summer of 2015. I have not at all been right since and have been trying to find out what is going on. I have lost my sex drive which was quite strong prior and has proved a problem not only to me, but is making things difficult as I am a newlywed. I have also noticed extreme fatigue, pain and discomfort during sex, and cramping. I’ve had my hormone levels tested and seem fine, according to the ranges of a 34 year old woman, but this seems so generic to me. I just have not felt like myself and feel like something is missing. My confidence is gone and even my ability to relax and enjoy myself have disappeared. I would like any information on how to reverse this damage, if at all possible.

    • HI Jamie, I will find your email and message you now xx If there is anyone else reading this please find the fb support page;

      Healing from LEEP

      It is a closed group bringing women together for support in this situation.

    • I am so happy almost that I have found these comments it feels like no one understand even when I take my time to explain how I feel its like every since the surgery Ive been alone n Im a single parent with 3 baby boys so its hard because I know they dont get it.

  24. I just wanted to say that I am so glad I found your post. I thought i was being crazy, I feel like I have a horrible list of long term side effects from the leep I had in 2015. I wish I had never gotten it done. Anyway, after reading this I feel assured that I am not imagining my symptoms. Thank you.

  25. I feel so sad. I had a leep at 30 and could not orgasm after. I am mid 50s now and never had another satisfying physical relationship. I always knew the leep destroyed my sexual response. I never married or had kids and i was always attractive to men but sex was ruined for me. I missed out on a whole lifetime of it and really feel sad about it because before the leep I loved sex and had a normal love life. I recently told my OBGYN about this and she said she never heard anything about it and it was what happens to older women ..but it happened to me immediately after the leep ..don’t get one! Everything in a woman’s body is connected and Medicine thinks they can just hack you up but it ruins everything nobody really understands

  26. Thank you for sharing your story with us. I received today a letter from the NHS in the U.K. That I’m scheduled for LEEP on 12.05 – that’s right on my 34th birthday… there is no mention whatsoever about the side effects of such procedure. Only recently there was another scandal revealed when it comes to women’s health to do with the pelvic mesh operations and how it can disable women for life! Worth looking up- Victoria Derbyshire programme on BBC talking with group of women who were left disabled following such barbarian procedure. Again- non of them were informed about the potential side effect: permanent nerve damage, bowel and bloder damage and many more. I honestly believe that if not for the programme on pelvic mesh implants side effects, I’d never searched for side effects on the LEEP procedure. Instead, I would just blindly follow the consultant’s recommendations..hmm makes my blood boil now!! Of course he wouldn’t know what I’m taking about- he-another male ruling on women’s health! Enough is enough! They have so much power when using the C word! No- it’s not a cancer!!! We all have cancerous cells!! Ahh God!

    • Hi,
      Yes I know about the mesh scandal.. Ive picked up on all of this over the years while Ive been trying to work out what the hell is going on with all of this. Its utterly disgusting. Im trying to highlight with this whole push for information, that the female anatomy needs studying in much much more detail before they have any right to force or frighten us into any surgery that is not effectively researched. Please ask for more information on alternatives,.. we all need to support the fight for this. Thankyou for contributing, its so important, and i wish you all the best with what you decide to do. X

  27. I had leep too and I could not agree more. To this day I have weird pulling stabbing pains in and around my upper uterus, like its under my rib cage. I feel there has been permanent damage and inflammation since the procedure. I used to love when my husband would make love to me deeply, now, I literally recoil if that area is hit too hard. It has changed our love life. I also have pain that literally stabs through to my spinal chord since the leep. I felt it almost right away when she hit the nerve even though I was numbed. My belly bloated tremendously and it felt like this pulling stabbing sensation at the top of my vagina deeply inside. The crazy doctors pressured me, scaring me by using the word ‘cancer’ and even recommended I take a double dose of Ativan prior to signing consent forms and the procedure. i had intense back spasms for weeks following the procedure. they cut way more than they told me they would. I know because I asked to see what they cut. WOW. Horrible! They know no one would consent to this type of horrific thing sober. It breaks my heart to read this and to know I willingly caved to the pressure of Doctors in Canada. I saw 3 of them and they all kept threatening with Cancer, even though I was only CIN2. It is genital mutilation. I am sorry to anyone who has had to go through this. THE TRUTH about the BODY and disease that our health care system does not teach is that YOU CAN HEAL YOUR BODY WITH REAL, RAW, ORGANIC FOOD, (TONNES OF IT) and clean alkaline water (water is life! don’t drink tap water, it is laced with chemicals, fluoride chlorine and pharmaceuticals) find CLEAN water (untouched spring water) or alkaline ph9 and you can REVERSE the abnormal cells on the cervix, giving the body enough strength/immunity to fight off an HPV infection.

    • Thankyou for sharing this Tlo. Your symptoms sound awful. They are different to mine but this really sounds important to get documented. Would you please speak to the specialist I am working with? He is making case studies to account for the damages. We need to stop this happening. It is confidential and he is the best in the field. If you are interested please let me know.

      Everyday since this happened in 2010 I have grieved what was cut from me, the loss of that specific pleasure and no longer being able to share it is indescribably to me. One of the worst things is the bemused look when you talk about this to doctors.. as though ‘hey its just a leep though?? ‘ but its just ‘your vagina’..’how can that mean loss of pleasure??.
      Whoever came up with the concept of cutting out part of the cervix should be held accountable.

      I will ask anyone reading this who has experienced this to please join the new closed facebook support page that has been started recently that will provide a safe place for advice and support. Women should not be going through this alone.



      healing from leep/lletz

  28. Hi again Asha, I also wanted to add, that I am a writer, and have thought for a long time about writing something about what happened. I wondered if you’d be interested in being interviewed for an article about this?

  29. I am literally in tears now. I have been alone up until last month when I got a boyfriend. I mean I was having sex with him until I had the LEEP procedure in 11/2016 and it has been horrible since then
    I love him so much. But after reading this, Ima just have to gone head twll him to find another girlfriend because my feelings down there aint never coming back. I think I might sue my doc as well for malpractice for neglecting to tell me this could possibly happen and not giving me any options.

    • Hi Krissy,
      Im so sorry for the delay in my reply. I saw your message and it has broken my heart to read. I have been thinking about you a lot and I just want you to know I am here, I hear you and understand.
      I also have tried to take legal action, but discovered sadly that it is very difficult as a woman to do so. it seems there is still very little monetary value for any legal case, as it is (only??) our sexual being that is being destroyed by these surgeries, not our fertility.
      Sadly, according to the medical industry..Men have sexual organs, we have ‘reproductive’ ones.

      We are living in the wrong century.

      I hope so so much that your journey is different. Its only been a few months right? There is every chance that you might be one of the lucky ones. You might heal. It might be short term damage.
      I also feel strongly that you are going to need support. I lost both my parents, my job and a lot of friends around the same time this was happening, I withdrew so much with the shock of it. I felt alien in myself. It took a lot to stay sane.
      I know how it feels going from being passionate and intimate, where you own and value your body and can give and receive love.. to being unable to maintain a relationship or even be close, but if your boyfriend has worked through this with you so far, can you try to keep him with you? I have no idea how that advice sounds, I just know how hard it is do do this alone. I would love to speak more to you.

      Im not sure if you have read the below posts but I am keen to get these situations properly documented. There is a team of medical researchers I am in contact with working on stopping this happening. If you would speak to them it would make a huge difference. The system needs to change but unless we speak out, no one will listen. Please let me know if you are willing.
      I am with you every step. You did not deserve this.

  30. Asha,

    Can we speak? I was just given the news that I have ASC-H and the biopsy shows HSIL. My doctor will probably tell me on Monday to go ahead with the LEEP. I want to be fully aware of my options before agreeing to anything.

    Please e-mail me.

    • Hi,

      It is rare to have the severe symptoms as the ones I have from this, but as you can see from any online search, and the comments below, it happens. The numbers are significant enough to take seriously.

      I have found out its actually about 11%, which considering is a permanent life changing loss, should be reported. No man would ever have to go through a surgical clipping of any part of their sexual body.

      Loss of feeling in for women just isnt written into the medical books. they don’t care. We are still living in the dark ages, so until they do, you have the right to defend yourself from risks.

      And spread the word!! show them this page, show them a google search for sex after leep! There are so many people out there who have been castrated and neutralised by this. Gyne’s need to start to respect it.

      I would recommend having a treatment, but ask for lazer or cryo.. and if you have to go back more times, thats nothing in the long run to losing your one chance at love and intimacy.

      That is my advice. I can only say how I would do things if I had another shot at life!! I hope whichever road you take you recover and are healthy soon.

      Please let me know if I can help in any way further.

      • HI Asha, I just read your post while crying. Thank you so much for writing this. It’s taken me ten years, to even be able to google search to see if there are other people who suffered what I have. Do you know of any support group online for people who have gone through this? I have felt like the only one for so long.

  31. I had been left on a high dose birth pill for 17 years, had a cone biopsy and 4 days later, suffered a thrombosis in my left calf.
    Put on warfarin, I was then rushed into a hysterectomy only a few weeks later. Six days after this major op. I suffered a massive haemorrhage, on a Sunday night (No surgeons in the hospital). – a major artery had not been stitched up properly; after several hours, the bleeding would not stop – too much warfarin and heparin had been given! – all vital signs were diminishing fast, had blood transfusion, oxygen etc. I’ll spare you more horrendous details.
    It took almost 2 years to recover from this and I’ve always felt weakened since that horrendous year.
    This was all 35 years ago; somehow I survived. Since then I have had another DVT, and other times when my blood gets thick. My GP denies this and I paid for private tests -that showed blood clotting inappropriately within the vessels.
    I have learned not to rely on any doctor for my health, but to be aware of my own symptoms.
    If my blood gets thick again (I wake every hour and a half through the night and have this strong urge to massage calves and walk about)
    Now I recognise this and take ginger, garlic and fish oils. It works.
    Keep away from doctors and hospitals as much as possible. They are dangerous places.

  32. May I also suggest another website that supports naturalistic healing through vitamins and nutrition. It’s a great source of information and HOPE to anyone who has received scary news. Do not be convinced my popular medical advice that gives no other option but surgery. You DO have other options and you have been gifted with a beautiful body that has indescribable means of curing itself when given the proper nutrition.


  33. I was just told today that I need a LEEP procedure and was scared out of my mind. The doctors told me the same thing you ladies heard… it’s not a big deal and has no major side effects. I’ve been praying for healing for over 6 months and KNEW the doctor’s advice was wrong but didn’t know why. I’ve looked into alternative healing with vitamins and bought the Ty Bollinger series a few weeks back, but hadn’t watched the episode on cervical cancers.

    I AM SO THANKFUL that you wrote this article and shared your painful story. Because of you, I will refuse to have the LEEP procedure and will go forth with my natural healing approach with confidence!

    God can do miracles. The power of prayer is the greatest gift he has given us. “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; the one who seeks finds; and to the one who knocks, the door will be opened.” –Matthew 7:7

  34. I am happy you have written this. I am post leep 6 years . My sex life was fantastic until leep..i can no longer have sex because it is too painful..wrecking my marriage and left me desolate. 11 years prior to leep I had had cryo surgery which if I had to choose again I would certainly choose the cryo. I had no complications with the leep healing..but it left me desolated and when i say sex hurts I mean it..its like razor blades..so I cant..literally. i no longer go to the doc who did the leep..he was totally heartless and pretty much said guess you will be sexless. I am now considering malpractice. I am now going to another doc who does care and is trying to help..but yet to no avail. So guess i will be alone the rest of my days..lets face it.a partner needs intimacy and i cant have that now..thank you for making people aware of the dangers of leep.

    • Wow, I am so sorry, this is like hearing my own story. Its hard to put the loss of intimacy into words. Losing intimacy, whether alone or not. Has been utter devastation for me. People think Im lonely.. but its a completely different type of emptiness. I have also been managing with this for just over 6 horrible years. Holding on by the skin of my teeth.
      I would have done anything to have someone understand. So it means a lot that you have also reached out.
      I went to see a research team last year as I mentioned in my original post, who are picking up on this,and there have been comparisons to the effects of hysterectomy.. again, something so savage no one will understand unless its been experienced.

      I have been written as part of a case study they are doing to try and highlight the risks to the global gaenacolgy practice, and they are also doing a study of the nerves in this part of the body. (This hasnt been done before believe it or not!!!) Would you be willing to speak to them? It could be over the phone and anonymously, and each of our voices being heard means more doctors learning.

      I hear your pain completely and will be thinking of you

    • HI,
      I hope you are ok.
      Have you had a chance to think about what I said in my previous response? About helping by challenging the system and becoming an anonymous case study? The contacts I have are the best in the field and are making really big steps to highlight women’s health risks. It wouldn’t take long to put you in touch and could push research in the right direction.

      Making people aware online is one thing.. making doctors aware and challenging the system is what will eventually make a difference!
      X best wishes.

  35. Thank you so much for writing this. I am almost three weeks post leep and feel a wreck. The margins of the biopsy were positive so the doctor potentially wants to amputate more of my cervix in 2 months. I feel like shit and cant stop crying. This article made me feel less alone, thank you.

    • Hi J,

      Thankyou for writing and sharing this. I am so sorry you are going through this. I want to help, I am doing as much as I can to highlight that there is a risk to this procedure, why and how much is still completely unknown which is why we all need to speak out.. otherwise the doctors and the system will just assume its safe and just continue.
      Can I ask if you are so upset because they are removing a part of you and you are scared? or are you struggling with actual lost sensation and nerve damage? A friend of mine was recently called in for a leep and I urged her to ask and ask about other options. She ended up having a newer type of treatment. laser/ or laser vaporisation?..and is fine. Im not saying thats the answer but look into it! Doctors wont discuss options unless you ask as its probably more expensive for them and you may have to go back a few times.
      If I could reverse time, I would do 100 alternative treatments if it meant feeling those feelings again.
      Ive also not heard of anyone having long term sexual damage from cryo treatment so mabee ask about that too. I dont know but could assume that it doent cut so deep so allows more potential for healing?.. Please let me know more about your symptoms if you can face it.
      Another thing to remember, is that there is a lot of information now on how to blast your body full of nutrients, certain supplements, and natural products, if taken seriously have been known to do things to reverse cell changes that medical industry will take a long time to catch up on. I dont want to preach about this as its a personal choice, but you should definately look into it.. I have no doubt that our cells need nourishment not chemicles and toxins to heal. Especially in this toxic world.
      Ty bollinger has a lot of information that I found really interesting, that can be used alongside conventional methods to clear your body.
      I really hope you dont have to go back, and that you are not one of the statistics.

      • After a year and 3 months of working diligently to heal my body my Pap smear came back the same. Severe dysphasia/high grade lesion and hvp. Apparently, the test can’t show if it has gotten worse. I would have to go in for a biopsy to know more. I feel so strongly in the body’s ability to heal itself and so against the tradition of cutting and remove female body part. I already had my uterus removed 10 years ago. I don’t want them taking anything else. But at this last report I’m getting nervous. Should I have a procedure done to remove the abnormal cells. So you know of any doctors who are treating this in a different way? Even naturopaths are bound to this archaic method.

        • Im sorry Judy you are going through this.

          Did they remove your womb because of a cancer risk? or did they say it was fibroids or something different? I am not an expert in any of the alternatives but I feel strongly that leep is NOT the answer. I have learned that because there are no regulations or specifics on the surgery.. NO knowledge of the nerves or respect (or even proper medical documentation) of our sexual function, women are being used as guinie pigs on the back of this missing information.. and none of these procedures are tested on humans properly before being rolled out on mass.
          The more I read, learn and experience on natural healing, the more fascinating and potentially powerful I am beginning to find it. Also.. therefore the more corrupt the (marketing of medicine) mass persuasion of society to ‘not trust’ or dismiss it as ‘witchery’ or ‘hippy rubbish’ seems.
          The implication of this is huge. Doctors are not bad people.. they are generally amazing people!.. but who are they working for??? we all think they work for ‘science’ therefore they are ‘right’. However, from my journey, of working directly wth scientists and a research team on this.. I know for a fact medicine and science are two very different things. Doctors are ‘sold’ drugs and procedures from a very carefully coordinated effort of sometimes either very old data, or very manipulated data by those who have a finical interest. And this is not always science.
          Please join the fb group that has been set up. The person directly running that page has a strong interest in alternative and natural healing. As I do also, but am not focussing on that at the moment as my primary interest is getting the team I am a case study for to continue to progress of the neurological work and to publish these findings so doctors are forced to change their backward thinking.

          Here is the fb page search link to a lot of women who have many opinions and thoughts on this;

          healing from leep/lletz

          There are women on their who have been working on natural healing and their are links to other pages.

          Also, If you would prefer to stick wth the doctors.. It is interested that women are not being given the choice to have the laser or cryo surgery on displasia because it is more expensive. I have never read any reports on the kind of devastating symptoms from these. Doctors will say it is ‘less effective’.. but this only means you might have to been seen again for checks….but rather than having a sexual amputation (which is effective what a leep is) I would rather one of those alternatives personally!!!
          When I was scared that this might come back.. as they tried to terrify me it would.. I took something called AHCC/ reseracher;Judith Smith.. this is a very powerful Japanese mushroom supplement..that is said to have anti cancer possibilities if taken in the right way. I think asking about laser, or reading up on this and also speaking to the fb group on healing would help you.
          Best wishes

          • Hi Asha,
            This site has been so helpful. Thank you for the work you are doing. I am 8 weeks post Leep and have had persistent, consistent troubling symptoms after resuming sex: abdominal discomfort, bleeding, nausea and vomiting, and an increased heart rate that persists for 24 to 48 hours after having sex. I knew something was wrong but didn’t understand the link to nerve innervation until reading your article. I will now contact my own doctor to see the response I get. I appreciate the links to research programs and the encouragement to speak up and not minimize the significance
            of our experiences.

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