...and will precipitate mild thiamine deficiency. It is probably the reason why sugar is considered to be a frequent cause of trouble.
More...about one vitamin, B1, or thiamin/thiamine, but write I must. Thiamine is critical for energy production and the energetic demands of pregnancy
More...known as thiamine derivatives. They had discovered that there was a form of thiamine in garlic (allium sativum) that had powerful therapeutic
More...DHTKD1 gene. The thiamine induced changes depended on brain-region-specific expression of the thiamine dependent dehydrogenases. In the cerebral cortex, the “thinking” part
More...an intracellular mild thiamine deficiency. It is important to note that, in spite of finding the levels of thiamine and thiamine pyrophosphate
MoreThiamine Deficiency Amid a Constellation of Mitochondrial and Metabolic Disorders
...to the ER. Someone wrote a helpful post on the facebook page that said allithiamine had absolutely no garlic in it. (i'm
More...Western culture have aligned to make thiamine sufficiency more precarious than ever. High calorie malnutrition and toxicant exposures are top among them.
MoreThiamine for Fibromyalgia, CFS/ME, Chronic Lyme, and SIBO-C
...to me that I had problems with thiamine. The Astonishing Effects of Thiamine In December 2020, I increased my thiamine dosage to