...thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide: A pilot study. Thiamine Asymmetric functional dysautonomia and the role of thiamine. Exaggerated autonomic asymmetry: a clue to nutrient
More...mg of thiamine in muscle tissue, liver and kidneys, however, these stores can become depleted in as little as 18 days after
More...research shows that thiamine is also a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor (CAI) with a potency approaching acetazolamide. Thiamine has very few side effects,
MoreRenal Tubular Acidosis With Prolonged High Dose Thiamine?
...inhibiting degrees of known CA inhibitors and thiamine in three different enzymes. Inhibition of mammalian carbonic anhydrase isoforms I, II, and VI
More...is organized from “Frequently asked questions about high-dose thiamine (HDT) therapy” on the now closed Facebook group Parkinson’s and Thiamine HCL. Dosing
More...thiamine is the synthetic counterpart of allithiamine that occurs naturally in garlic. Allithiamine was discovered in Japan in 1951 and extensively researched
MoreCreutzfeldt Jakob Disease, Thiamine, or B12 Deficiency?
...Notice the Left Arm Improvements With IV Thiamine I had started him on thiamine and B vitamins in after the hospitalization. I
More...of thiamine in energy production. I take Benfotiamine - it is the only fat soluble form for thiamine I am aware of,