...and stories, and my belief that thiamine deficiency was the root of my problems grew stronger. Dr. Lonsdale suggests using a type
MoreThiamine and Riboflavin for Chronic Fatigue
...far as thiamine absorption, allithiamine or lipothiamine seem to be best. Although many prefer benfotiamine, it does not appear to cross the
More...thiamine, and when we asked him if I should see a neurologist he said it was not necessary. Treating Myself With Thiamine
More...transporters or mitochondria not functioning properly. I prefer the Lipothiamine TTFD enteric coated 50 mg tablets. Allithiamine, sulbutiamine and Thiamax are additional
MoreA recently published retrospective study showed ICU patients receiving thiamine therapy had a significantly reduced thrombosis and mortality rate compared to patients
MoreTalking About Thiamine Again
...an entire book on the topic called: Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition and a journal article: Hiding in Plain
MoreThe Thiamine Book: What Reviewers Say
...aide in my healing… From Healthytoo: …“Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition” will rapidly become the authoritative source on thiamine,
MoreThiamine, Vaccines, and Heavy Periods
...out my thiamine, despite already being on a high dose, and so I increased it, taking 1.5 grams of thiamine HCL the