...In October 2018, we learned about thiamine and suspected that many of her problems may have been the results of a longstanding
More...mitochondria function and lead to other semi-permanent neurological issues Truvada (PreP) also harms mitochondria Tinidazole plummets your thiamine Thiamine Deficiency and Problems
More...No one wants to endure severe adverse reactions to drugs such as Gardasil and Lupron, let alone an autoimmune disease. Attaining and
More...association with energy metabolism is clearly dominant. We have seen from previous posts on this web site that some victims of post
More...written about here on Hormones Matter - Gardasil, fluoroquinolone and others - that seem to bring about mitochondrial dysfunction, I think are
MoreIt Wasn’t By Choice: Dysautonomia
...know that it sounds silly, but I suggest that you look back on the thiamine posts. Post Gardasil POTS is initiated by
MoreDiscovering DES: Opening Pandora’s Box
Derrick Lonsdale There is ample evidence that Gardasil "stresses" the brain and evokes an energy dependent response as Hans Selye discovered. Lack