...on thiamine deficiency and I bought his and Dr. Marrs’ book: Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition. I believe many
More...by thiamine being used as a drug. Thus, my situation is quite different than treating a thiamine deficient patient. High doses are
More...related to my longstanding thiamine deficiency, rendering my cells unable to properly uptake these nutrients. Prior to learning thiamine deficiency and beriberi
More...causes dysautomia and Thiamine deficiency..... Retinoic acid = decreased Transketolase (thiamine deficiency) Accutane inhibits hippocampal neurogenesis by using up the NADPH reducing
More...Lonsdale and his work on thiamine deficiency, and so began my education. Together, we wrote a book about the role of thiamine
More...microcephaly via direct thiamine deficiency and depletion and/or functional or epigenetic alterations to the thiamine transporter SLC25A19. Briefly, thiamine is critical for
More...the immune system. Thiamine is an essential cofactor for 4 enzymes involved in production of energy and the total body stores are
More...upon thiamine. It requires thiamine that is in other forms to be converted into thiamine diphosphate (TPP). Scientists have told us that