...alcohol would also have a deleterious effect on energy metabolism. Neurodegenerative Disease and Thiamine We know that thiamine metabolism is involved in
More...colon, and I would suspect elsewhere as well, HIF stabilization inhibits thiamine uptake by downregulating thiamine transporters. So the same proteins that
More...was born could have something to do with thiamine deficiency? Would this suggest some kind of genetic problem? Is supplementation with thiamine
MoreNeuropathy and Multiple Sclerosis Treated with Biotin, Thiamine, and Magnesium
...of the TTFD form of thiamine (allithiamine and lipothiamine) about 100 mg 3x a day. I saw a quick resolution of the
More...largely of processed, but thiamine fortified foods, thiamine deficiency emerges not from the classically defined, starvation-based malnutrition, but from a sort of
MoreLessons Learned About Recovering From Thiamine Deficiency
...thiamine from its free form to the active form called thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP). Without sufficient magnesium, supplemental or consumed thiamine remains inactive
More...the cell (low thiamine > more drug uptake) but also the degree to which folate and thiamine are depleted. In low thiamine
MoreThiamine, Fibromyalgia and Chronic Fatigue
...pain, coupled with never-ending tiredness seem to be common symptoms post medication or vaccine reaction. Could they be linked to a broader