...some paradoxal reactions of thiamine refeeding? Should folate be supplemented with thiamine to ensure proper TPP synthesis? It seems that DHFR activity
More...mitochondrial disease because beginning thiamine may initially make symptoms worse and is known as " refeeding syndrome". This utterly tragic situation is
MoreTerry Dr. Lonsdale, Any suggestions for supplementation for mitochondrial damage or neuropathy caused by fluoroquinolones. Example b1, b6, b12 or coq10. Derrick
MoreAtomic Imprint: A Legacy of Chronic Illness
...thiamine deficiency, magnesium deficiency, potassium deficiency are most common in refeeding syndrome. Choline(Phosphatydylcholine), ATP, ADP, AMP, and Creatine Phosphate within the cell
MoreWith Thiamine Paradox Symptoms Patience Is Key
I wanted to share my experience going through thiamine paradox so that others may find hope as they navigate the process. In
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...paradoxical "refeeding syndrome" and it is dangerous enough to require medical supervision. Low blood pressure is a hallmark sign in beriberi and
More...supplementation regime. I read everything you posted and your book as well, and aware of refeeding paradox, need for magnesium etc. Recently
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...is non toxic. If you have been thiamine deficient for a long time, you may find that things are worse for a