...eosinophilic esophagitis suffered agonies of hyperalgesia and screamed when I touched his abdomen (allodynia). Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome (POTS) is quite a
More...numerous organs)? I believe the distinction between "POTS", "dysautonomia" and "cardioneurogenic syncope" is crucial in these cases. Chandler Marrs, PhD Diana, That
More...extremities chemical sensitivity POTS severe pain sensitivity I want now to describe some of the features reported by this mother that
MoreEnergy Loss as a Cause of Disease
...years she had been more or less crippled by a condition known as postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). She had been seen
MoreEndometriosis, Lupron, and Fluoroquinolones: A Recipe for Autonomic Disintegration
...another specialist, an electrophysiologist cardiologist. I have several of the sub symptoms of dysautonomia including: postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS), neurocardiogenic syncope
MoreSevere Gut Dysmotility, Dysautonomia, and Malnutrition
...problems I have recovered from completely, but I am still working on the remaining CFS/POTS symptoms. Have you ever heard of hypervitaminosis
More...had an MRI of my brain that showed no lesions, so MS was ruled out. I was eventually diagnosed with POTS by
More...we believe she had been living with undiagnosed beriberi along with POTS. Mom’s Health Marked by Asthma, Anxiety, Migraines, and a Difficult