...is quite right. Read about paradox on this website. There is no gain without pain p Hello! My son was diagnosed with
MoreMystery Illness: You Are Not Alone
...a few weeks is safe. I don't have side effects from IVs or supplements. My B1 paradox side effects only lasted a
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...to deteriorate and lose function. If now you are fortunate enough to find the answer, you start to take thiamine and magnesium
MoreCOVID Notes: The Blood Clot Problem
..."paradox" reaction. As far as the excessive clotting. I took no drugs from the doctors other than antibiotics that I have taken
More...lead to paradox. Also, Thiamine HCl is not liposoluble. You may want to look into allithiamine as well. Read this article as
MoreAdult Onset TMAU: Intense Fishy Body Odor Syndrome
...the bottom line.I suggest big doses of Lipothiamine say anything between 200 and 6oomg a day and read about paradox on this
More...paradox effect, it's been almost 5 months since i started thiamine, how is it possible? the worst symptoms are fatigue, frozen hands,
More...feel the paradox reaction is still very strong even many months have passed javier for solving gut issue you should try sulforaphane