...contraceptives, laparoscopy, hysterectomy, or just plain living with the pain and hoping for the best). I was again referred to yet another
More...case is described of a pregnancy in which the patient called Karen “begins bleeding profusely so is taken to the operating room,
More...had received diagnoses ranging from endometriosis, to fibroids, to ovarian cysts. She had surgery to remove endometriosis and later on also a
MoreA Forty Year Battle With ME/CFS
The Road to ME/CFS I had a hysterectomy at age 35 for adenomyosis. Following the surgery, I developed an infected hematoma and
MoreBreaking Sexual Taboos
...biology lesson! And yes, I have heard of the pudendal nerve and actually came across it again today while working on my
MoreOne Less After Gardasil
...was at least 46 before a doctor ruined my life by performing an unnecessary hysterectomy. I applaud Brittney's courage to soldier on
More...old baby. He said I was constipated or just bleeding heavily that causes bad cramps but he thinks the only course of
More...I also had severe endometriosis. I had a complete hysterectomy, and went into surgical menopause at 48. So, enter hormone hell. I