...that in Covid patients it is a viral-mediated inflammatory response, the question remains as to the mechanism. Thiamine deficiency produces pseudo-hypoxia and
MoreMigraine, Diet, and Thiamine
...is not considered to be a migraine trigger, a patient was reported with attacks of migraine consistently triggered by this sweetener. Hypoxia,
More...X, Li X, Wang D, Sun L. Hypoxia-inducible factor 1 in autoimmune diseases. Cell Immunol. 2016;303:7–15. doi:10.1016/j.cellimm.2016.04.001. Given the hypoxia induced by
More...consume oxygen. The limbic system is a complex computer that organizes all our adaptive survival reflexes and its sensitivity to hypoxia is
More...defect in the automatic breathing mechanism might be affected by either hypoxia or pseudo-hypoxia, strongly implicating that a damaging effect might arise
More...Excitation of this system generates the fight-or-flight reflex that is associated with aggression. Pseudohypoxia (imitates true hypoxia) is caused in the brain
More...plant. Nutrients required for mitochondrial production of ATP. Thiamine deficiency — by itself, absent any other variables, causes hypoxia. They call it
MoreThe Warburg Effect in Cancer
...pleasure derived from taste is a potential cause of our undoing. Hypoxia, Thiamine and Cancer Hypoxia is one of the hallmarks of