...physical activity. Few people seem to have any idea that the brain consumes energy faster than the body or even that the
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...can be “green”—light, but it can also be “blue inside yellow”—matter inside energy. Or it can be “yellow inside blue”—energy inside matter.
More...brain because thiamine is vital to energy production. To explain the elevation of folate and B12, their activation depends on energy consumption.
More...The energy has to be transmitted to the wheels through individual mechanical parts that are connected together to form an energy consuming
More...brain was marginally deficient in the vitamin necessary for oxidation and energy production for ordinary everyday purposes. The square dancing represented an
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...“I have no energy at 38. I have more problems now than I did before surgery.” NJ: “The Testim has helped my
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...miss a beat in our energy creation. Protein only partially needs to be converted to glucose at the pyruvate step but some
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...net result is energy that is stored in a chemical substance known as adenosine triphosphate (ATP). The nearest analogy would be a