...the energy has to be consumed and just like a car, we have to have the equivalent of a transmission. The transmission
More...activated, demanding ever more energy to resolve. It is this energy spiral, I believe, that induces and maintains many of the illnesses
MoreI Will Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night: An Alternative Approach For Hyperactive Thyroid
...could reach a 10, but now, I have zero pain. My body is now producing energy, not just using energy reserves. I
MoreThriving Despite Mitochondrial Disease
...of Energy with Mitochondrial Disease My exhaustion levels for most of early 2019 year have been relatively high. Slowly, I am regaining
MoreParting the Veil on pH7 and Metabolism
...more strenuously than a healthy person. With my blender on full speed, and my batter at maximum density, I had no energy
More...is consumed. Therefore we must try to indicate how oxygen consumption occurs. Oxidation and burning. All forms of burning are derived from
More...the role of energy deficiency as the causative factor. Selye suggested that human health broke down as a result of energy failure,
More...and her offspring, requiring a vast amount of cellular energy, not only to meet her own maintenance, but to support the rapid