...is the gateway to the production of energy which enables us to function and explains why thiamine and magnesium are essential ingredients
More...of glucose, namely glycolysis and the pentose phosphate pathway. While glycolysis provides an anaerobic pathway for energy production, the pentose phosphate pathway
More...cells require ATP and reduced ATP capacity is a major contributor to illness and organ dysfunction. High energy organs like the heart,
MoreMercury, Parkinson’s Disease, and Thiamine
...NADH—another high energy carrier, which provides electrons for the more powerful energy generator, the electron transfer chain on the inner mitochondrial membrane.
More...that relies on chemistry that is used to supply energy. Therefore, the only proper use of the word “functional” is to describe
More...the second step of aerobic respiration after glycolysis [the breakdown of glucose (think carbohydrates) by enzymes, releasing energy and pyruvic acid] and
MoreSweet Death by Sugar
...diet drink or eat sugar substitutes? You will neither be hot nor have any energy. The difference in feeling hot and having
MoreAn Open Letter Regarding Thiamine and COVID
...the released energy into, in this case, mechanical rather than chemical energy, which is used to propel the car (the cell) forward.