...one of the early symptoms of struggling mitochondria and thiamine deficiency. More fundamentally, however, all the organs tasked with maintaining life, demand
More...would be as follows: as repeatedly pointed out in various posts on this website, his brain had an energy problem from the
More...energy demands such as strong emotions, empathy or anger. If became angry, I would fall asleep, as if the energy output required
More...synthesizes a kind of energy currency known as ATP. This works a little like a battery. Chemical energy derived from “burning” (oxidizing)
MoreFood Composition and Hyperglycemia
...into energy. (See here for details.) Poor energy metabolism then drives cravings and overeating as a compensatory reaction to increase metabolic energy,
MoreStress, Hormones, and Migraine
...release of the extra neurotransmitters uses more energy; a migraine-brain uses much more energy than the brain of a non-migraineur. Using more
More...recently discovered group Primordial Qigong. I haven’t found any other modality that has the same restorative benefits that give energy instead of
MoreDerrick Lonsdale Another case of brain energy deficiency. Her graduation indicated a high degree of intelligence and it requires more energy than