...appreciate that you continue to write. Thank you. Derrick Lonsdale My best advice is to suggest that you obtain our book, Lonsdale
MoreCONNIE SCROGGS What are they doing to our medicines???? I am 62 years old and I took the Pill, and other drugs
More...of Patients with Dysautonomia and Hypermobility Syndromes' and began taking 1000mg of thiamine. Within a day the headaches, problems thinking clearly and
More...who wish to access more information on the points you raise. Please feel free to suggest other links that might be helpful.
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...arnold Hi, what is the highest dose of Thiamine you have given to a patient with symptoms of Dysautonomia? Thank you Chandler
More...dysautonomia. Then in 2016, after 3 years of mold exposure my body completely started to fall apart, I had over 15 symptoms
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Derrick Lonsdale MD, FACN, CNS There are 2 major clues: elevated B12 and low creatinine. This strongly suggests thiamine and magnesium as
More...have read & understand Thiamine Deficiency Disease, Dysautonomia, and High Calorie Malnutrition), or functional med docs or PA’s that administer IV Thiamine,