...IR as an adjunctive therapy in older patients hospitalized with serious COVID-related cardiopulmonary issues. The results from this study show that perhaps
More...on this site about the importance of mitochondrial nutrients (especially thiamine) to provide enough energy to modulate the inflammatory cascade seen in
MoreEDTA Induced Kidney Failure Resolved With Thiamine
...was still not heard. Again, I tried retelling my history of presumed COVID, receiving calcium EDTA chelation, and my long-standing thiamine deficiency.
More...infection causing the chest tightness - she prescribed me an antibiotic. Having these symptoms during covid and cold season has especially caused
More...in advance and was supplementing throughout, the symptoms very much paralleled a functional thiamine deficiency. https://www.hormonesmatter.com/covid-notes-calcium-tsunami-cardiomyocytes/ The effects it had on my
MorePost Hysterectomy Skeletal and Anatomical Changes
...in my medical records after my hysterectomy. Getting copies of tests including biopsies and doctors' notes can be extremely helpful. We as
MoreSilent Death – Serotonin Syndrome
...fever spiked the first week to 102.4. I was tested for Covid twice, both came back negative. The Covid-world makes it so
More...Women, “patients whose violent behavior was inexplicable by conventional medical diagnosis were found to be deficient in one or more B vitamins,