...Sulforaphane, Calcium D-Glucarate) after ready a study on cyst shrinkage using progesterone and estrogen blockers. My cyst may have ruptured as cant
More...mag and calcium) and believe that pushing thiamine to up and run suddenly when the foundation isn’t ready is high risk. I
MoreRefeeding Syndrome
...which is high in MCTs) and maybe fixing a long-standing other deficiency eg calcium & vit D. I had some problems with
MoreMitochondria Need Nutrients
...myself and all 4 of our children could process only a small amt. of B2, B3, and biotin and our cells suck
More...very weird. Could it be paradoxal reaction? I make sure I get enough magnesium, potassium and calcium. Derrick Lonsdale probably paradox Nadine
MoreRecovering From Medically Induced Chronic Illness
...enough to have any real effect? I also take the recommendation for D3 AND K2, especially after hearing how vital k2 is
More...with using MCT oil, but also an increased need for some nutrients eg zinc and calcium. Glenn We increased the Lipothiiamin to
More...of calcium properly. I don't know, but we sure miss it. Angela A Stanton, PhD Dear HO, Milk has quite a bit