...3 days in case it was a viral infection that was causing his symptoms. He was given Lovenox. The nurse said it
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...major mesenteric artery that are damaged. Every time I am in an upright position for any length of time the blood vessels
More...conditions? We wouldn’t treat high blood pressure without first measuring blood pressure or diabetes without first measuring glucose. Why then would we
More...like something from hell. My older brother had testicular cancer and blood clots and auto-immune disease. Younger brother has heart issues. My
More...among the top selling brands both in the United States and abroad — have been linked to fatal blood clots and an
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...in the blood cells and it destroys the cells when they hatch. Yes my health has been horrible. Been diagnosed with FMS
MoreNot Endometriosis. Now What?
...stressful conversation. My general practitioner has run blood tests for anemia, vitamin deficiency, diabetes, and thyroid disorders, as well as a comprehensive
More...permanent. Confinement leads to a plethora of complications including blood clots, pneumonia, infection, cardiovascular disease as well as other fractures from further