Birth Control Blood Clot Study

Announcing Phase 2: Birth Control and Blood Clots Study


Lucine Health Sciences and Hormones Matter are pleased to announce Phase 2 of The Real Risk Study on birth control and blood clots. Thousands of women suffer these devastating, and sometimes deadly, blood clots each year. This study explores the factors that contribute to the development of blood clots while using hormonal birth control.

The first phase of our study provided important insights and indicated that blood clots in women using hormonal birth control may not develop in the manner previously thought. You can read more information about the results of Phase 1 here. Phase 2 will expand on our work using a refined survey design. It will also include data from women who have not had blood clots while using hormonal birth control, and women who have never used hormonal contraception, so we may compare the groups.

About Phase 2 of the Birth Control and Blood Clots Study

For this phase of the study, we’ve added a few new groups in order to compare risk factors between women who develop clots and those who do not, and between women who have never used hormonal contraceptives to those that have. As with phase 1, because of the severity of some blood clots, including death or serious disability, we allow family members, or partners to take the survey for the affected individual.

Who Should Participate in the Birth Control and Blood Clots Study? 

  • Women who have experienced a blood clot(s) while using hormonal birth control
  • A surviving family member or partner of a woman who has suffered from deadly or disabling birth control induced blood clots
  • Women who are currently using hormonal birth control, have used hormonal birth control for at least 1 year, and have not had a blood clot
  • Women who have never used hormonal birth control or synthetic hormones of any kind.

Study Details 

How long does the Birth Control and Blood Clots Study take?  This phase of the study involves an anonymous online survey. The survey takes approximately 20-30 minutes to complete.

What information is collected? The survey assesses health and lifestyle variables leading up to the event as well as the early warning signs that may precede the event. For family members/partners completing this survey for a deceased or disabled relative, the level of detail requested may be difficult to gather; however, there are options for many questions to answer “I don’t know.”

Is the study confidential? Yes, identifying information will not be collected with the surveys. You may choose to submit a personal health story for publication, along with your survey data, however, in which case, you decide whether or not to use your name with the post.

How will the data be used? The anonymous results will be published on Hormones Matter and in open access medical journals in order to inform future research on women’s health issues.

Who is conducting this research? Researchers from Lucine Health Sciences, the parent company of Hormones Matter. For more information on Lucine, click here.

Participate in the Study

Share Your Story

We believe that patient stories are vital to shaping the future of health research. While personal stories are not required to participate in this study, we welcome you to share your story (with or without your name) on Hormones Matter. Your experience and insight can provide the study researchers, and others reading your story, with valuable information. While your experience is unique, you are not alone. To read stories from other women like you, click here. To share your story, contact us.

Follow Us

If you know someone who has suffered from a hormonal birth control-induced blood clot, please share this post with them. To follow the progress of the study, learn more about hormonal birth control research and/or discuss your experiences with others, connect with the study on Facebook and Twitter.

Facebook: Birth Control and Blood Clots

Twitter: @BloodClotStudy


If you have any questions, please contact us by clicking here.

Kerry Gretchen is a researcher, writer, stroke survivor, and a women's health advocate. She has a master's degree in communication from Clemson University, with a research focus on blood clots and hormonal birth control. When not conducting research or writing about women's health issues, she can be found teaching at the College of Charleston.

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