Alisa Duckworth knitting for victory against Gardasil

Knitting for Victory against Gardasil


It wasn’t too long ago that you read the story about my daughter Alisa Duckworth and how her life was dramatically disabled from the Gardasil vaccine series, see Gardasil Injured. What I didn’t tell you about Alisa, is how loving, caring, and compassionate she is about helping others. Alisa has made it her mission to knit hats to help the other victims of the vaccine. She has even shipped internationally.


The story begins during her first paralysis; I would sit by her hospital bed and knit for hours – just knitting without being aware of the time. I finished the first hat and put it on Alisa. She wore it her entire stay in the hospital. She called it her security hat.

I taught Alisa how to knit a few years ago to help keep her mind off the intense pain. She struggled to learn, as the pain would take away her concentration. It was extremely frustrating, but she was determined. Soon she got into the rhythm of the stitches and knitting became easy for her. She would focus on the project she was working on and found it very relaxing.

Pay it Forward

Alisa has taken her knitting and is now “paying it forward”, so they say. She finds that knitting helps with her pain control. She knows how her security hat made her feel better and is now knitting hats for the others injured from the vaccine. She finds comfort in making them a hat in a pattern and color of their choice. She then mails out the hats to them.

You Can Help

With her medical care bills already out of control, I found it was getting really expensive to buy the yarn and pay for the shipping too. I spoke to her about options so she could continue knitting for the injured and knitting for her pain control. We came to the conclusion of using her Allie Designs on Facebook. She sells her hats to customers and uses the money to purchase more yarn. We also have a Paypal account where she accepts donations to use for yarn and shipping. The PayPal account is

Educate before you vaccinate.

Allie’s Designs

Sarah Meyers wearing one of Allie's DesignsAlexis Wolf wearing one of Allie's DesigsMickayla Dussault wearing one of Allie's Designs


Participate in Research

Hormones MatterTM is conducting research on the side effects and adverse events associated with Gardasil and its counterpart Cervarix. If you or your daughter has had either HPV vaccine, please take this important survey. The Gardasil Cervarix HPV Vaccine Survey.

To take one of our other Real Women. Real Data.TM surveys, click here.

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